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  1. Rewind is offline
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    Joined: Oct 2017 Location: Glendale CA Posts: 12,148
    03-24-2018, 01:12 PM #1

    The phone scammer strikes again

    Today at 3:35 AM when most of us were in bed asleep, a scammer using the name "veralhj" posted a scam phone ad here in the Stock Talk forum. The scammer has now created 30 fake names and 30 fake accounts, started 30 new threads in various Sirius Buzz forums and posted 30 scam phone ads. The phones are always offered in lots of five, 10, 20 or 30 and are likely stolen or counterfeit. If you want a new phone, get it from a legitimate reputable dealer, not from an anonymous scammer who hides behind fake screen names and uses a radio discussion site as a source of free advertising. You are hereby warned: Do not open the scammer's threads and do not read the scammer's ads!

  2. Rewind is offline
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    03-24-2018, 09:16 PM #2
    Charles is working on putting a halt to all these scam phone ads. He says they all come from a bot, not an actual human being, but I wonder why the ads are now being posted four or five times a week. They used to appear only once a week. I'm guessing that whoever is behind all these ads is occasionally checking this site to see if his ads are being viewed and he doesn't like my "scam warning" posts -- so he's declared war. I issue this revised warning: Do not open the bot's phone-ad threads and do not read the bot's phone ads. Our new battle slogan is "Boot the Bot."

  3. Rewind is offline
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    Joined: Oct 2017 Location: Glendale CA Posts: 12,148
    03-26-2018, 01:30 AM #3
    Tonight we have another new thread, another fake name ("eksubhash") and scam phone ad #32. I would like to think nobody in the world could be so dumb and so gullible as to send this bot/scammer thousands of dollars for phones that are offered in lots of as many as 40 and are likely stolen or counterfeit. Charles is trying to block these scam phone ads from appearing but a new one is posted every day now. Do not open the threads and do not look at the ads. Join the campaign to Boot the Bot and Stop the Scammer.

  4. Rewind is offline
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    Joined: Oct 2017 Location: Glendale CA Posts: 12,148
    03-30-2018, 03:06 PM #4
    Sirius Buzz has another new member, "olakcima." Yep, another fake name and another scam phone ad posted. This makes 33 so far. Today's scam is 30 Samsung Galaxy phones for $8,070. Thirty! You all know the warning. I don't need to repeat it.

  5. Rewind is offline
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    Joined: Oct 2017 Location: Glendale CA Posts: 12,148
    03-31-2018, 04:10 PM #5
    Today's "new member" is "kilsonlow." Actually, 34 new members are all the same person: a scammer/bot who has now posted 34 scam phone ads, each one offering to sell phones in lots of five, 10, 20, 30 or 40. The phones are likely stolen or counterfeit. So far, the scammer has started 34 new threads in various Sirius Buzz forums for his scam phone ads. Do not open the threads! Do not read the scam phone ads! Buy phones from legitimate reputable dealers, never from an anonymous scammer.

  6. dm_4 is offline
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    03-31-2018, 08:46 PM #6
    Wouldn't worry to much about it Rewind. It's prob just Midas...he loves creating fake aliases and accounts.

  7. midas360 is offline
    03-31-2018, 11:50 PM #7
    Spencer knows who creates multiple accounts. He learned awhile back that it wasn't me. It was pretty much all you guys. I've been here much longer than you and have maintained my name midas ever since. Never been banned from here unlike some folks we know. HAHA It's probably Faulkner since he can never come back under that alias ever again.

    Quote Originally Posted by dm_4 View Post
    Wouldn't worry to much about it Rewind. It's prob just Midas...he loves creating fake aliases and accounts.

  8. dm_4 is offline
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    04-02-2018, 05:48 PM #8
    Quote Originally Posted by midas360 View Post
    Spencer knows who creates multiple accounts. He learned awhile back that it wasn't me. It was pretty much all you guys. I've been here much longer than you and have maintained my name midas ever since. Never been banned from here unlike some folks we know. HAHA It's probably Faulkner since he can never come back under that alias ever again.
    You funny nothing but love for ya Midas hope all is well with ya.

  9. Rewind is offline
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    Joined: Oct 2017 Location: Glendale CA Posts: 12,148
    04-10-2018, 12:10 AM #9
    Scam phone ad #35 was posted today. The scammer/bot is now "orqhklop" and is offering 20 phones for several thousand dollars. Be dumb enough to send him thousands of dollars and you likely will never receive the phones -- and, anyway, they're probably stolen or counterfeit. I repeat my warning: Buy phones from legitimate dealers, never from a scammer/bot who creates fake names and fake accounts and inundates Sirius Buzz with scam phone ads. Thank you and good night.

  10. midas360 is offline
    11-18-2019, 02:55 PM #10
    Why is this thread in here?

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