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  1. dm_4 is offline
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    Joined: Dec 2012 Location: Boston, Ma Posts: 3,029
    01-20-2022, 03:10 PM #101
    Few days ago Biden stated if you dont vote for federal election reform you are on the same side as Bull Connor...basically calling anyone against federalizing elections a bigot! Not surprising since he has become the divider in chief, not uniter in chief.

    Then last night he stated if the vote to federalize the elections fail then the upcoming 2022 elections may not be legitimate. Say what? So according to him and the dems the 2020 elections were legit, yet all of a sudden 2022 elections will be illegitimate? What changed? That makes ZERO sense!!

    This day in age there is no such thing as voter suppression....They are feeding you guys a bunch of BULLSHIT!
    Last edited by dm_4; 01-20-2022 at 04:42 PM.

  2. dm_4 is offline
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    01-20-2022, 04:43 PM #102
    Biden hammered for saying 2022 midterms 'could easily be illegitimate.' Even CNN's hosts ripped the president's election remarks.

    So Hillary loses in 2016 it was RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!!!!

    Trump loses in 2020, Dems be like the people spoke!~ All good.

    2022 they know Republicans going to take back the house and Senate. BIDEN " 2022 midterms 'could easily be illegitimate".

    See a pattern here boy's??????????
    Last edited by dm_4; 01-21-2022 at 01:14 AM.

  3. Rewind is offline
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    01-28-2022, 04:47 PM #103
    A conservative court sided with Retrumplicans who want voting to be very difficult for everyone except Retrumplicans.

    Court strikes down Pennsylvania law making it easier to vote by mail
    The state now plans to bring its case to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

  4. Rewind is offline
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    01-29-2022, 03:07 AM #104
    In 2021, Retrumplicans in Arizona hired the Cyber Ninjas to conduct an audit of the state's 2020 votes. Doug Logan, the company's CEO, is a blindly loyal Trump supporter who believes Trump's Big Lie that the Presidential election was rigged and stolen. The audit confirmed Biden's victory in the state – and earlier this month, the Cyber Ninjas firm went out of business. Arizona Retrumplicans were unable to overturn the 2020 election so now they're turning their attention to rigging future elections in favor of Retrumplicans.

    An Arizona Republican just unveiled the most brazen election bill yet
    Chris Cillizza, CNN, Jan 28 2022 1:30 PM ET

    In the wake of the 2020 election, a number of Republican-controlled state legislatures have made moves to make it harder to vote. But even amid this cavalcade of voter restrictions, a new bill proposed by a GOP legislator in Arizona stands out – and not in a good way. GOP state Representative John Fillmore introduced legislation this week that would, among other things, get rid of almost all absentee and early voting in the state and mandate all votes be HAND-counted within 24 hours of polling sites being closed. "We should have voting in person, on paper, with no electronic means and hand counting that day," Fillmore said in support of his bill. "We need to get back to 1958-style voting."

    Fillmore's bill would also empower the state legislature to accept or reject election results in the state. Fifteen Republican legislators have signed on to Fillmore's bill, including Representative Mark Finchem, the Trump-endorsed candidate for Arizona secretary of state.

    It's not clear whether Fillmore's bill can pass the state House and state Senate. That legislation like this is even proposed, however, speaks to how far down the rabbit hole Republicans have gone when it comes to Trump's conspiracy theories about the last election.

  5. dm_4 is offline
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    Joined: Dec 2012 Location: Boston, Ma Posts: 3,029
    01-30-2022, 11:51 PM #105
    Quote Originally Posted by Rewind View Post
    In 2021, Retrumplicans in Arizona hired the Cyber Ninjas to conduct an audit of the state's 2020 votes. Doug Logan, the company's CEO, is a blindly loyal Trump supporter who believes Trump's Big Lie that the Presidential election was rigged and stolen. The audit confirmed Biden's victory in the state – and earlier this month, the Cyber Ninjas firm went out of business. Arizona Retrumplicans were unable to overturn the 2020 election so now they're turning their attention to rigging future elections in favor of Retrumplicans.

    An Arizona Republican just unveiled the most brazen election bill yet
    Chris Cillizza, CNN, Jan 28 2022 1:30 PM ET

    In the wake of the 2020 election, a number of Republican-controlled state legislatures have made moves to make it harder to vote. But even amid this cavalcade of voter restrictions, a new bill proposed by a GOP legislator in Arizona stands out – and not in a good way. GOP state Representative John Fillmore introduced legislation this week that would, among other things, get rid of almost all absentee and early voting in the state and mandate all votes be HAND-counted within 24 hours of polling sites being closed. "We should have voting in person, on paper, with no electronic means and hand counting that day," Fillmore said in support of his bill. "We need to get back to 1958-style voting."

    Fillmore's bill would also empower the state legislature to accept or reject election results in the state. Fifteen Republican legislators have signed on to Fillmore's bill, including Representative Mark Finchem, the Trump-endorsed candidate for Arizona secretary of state.

    It's not clear whether Fillmore's bill can pass the state House and state Senate. That legislation like this is even proposed, however, speaks to how far down the rabbit hole Republicans have gone when it comes to Trump's conspiracy theories about the last election.
    I am all for it....a bill that makes it harder to cheat!

  6. Rewind is offline
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    01-31-2022, 01:23 AM #106
    Yeah, there couldn't possibly be any opportunity for cheating when dozens of pro-Trump Republicans are counting ballots by hand, right? And giving the Republican legislature the power to overturn any election results with which they disagree, thereby ignoring the will of the voters? That sounds fair, right? The 2020 Presidential election was the most safe and secure in our nation's history. Retrumplicans – who believe Trump's Big Lie of a rigged and stolen election – will never admit that they're trying to make voting much more difficult for minorities, the handicapped and the elderly – so instead they claim their voter suppression legislation is intended to "preserve election integrity." Awww, how very altruistic. Here is a list from The Voting Rights Alliance. Retrumplicans are guilty of almost every one of these:

    61 forms of voter suppression

  7. Rewind is offline
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    02-01-2022, 04:22 PM #107
    Yeah, "show up armed." After all, that worked out so well at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, right?

    Republican candidate tells voters to 'show up armed' to polls

  8. Rewind is offline
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    02-04-2022, 04:05 PM #108
    A Republican actually decided that our democracy and respecting the will of the voters are more important than believing Donald Trump's Big Lie of a "rigged" and "stolen" election and giving his party the power to overturn election results with which they disagree, i.e., any election won by a Democrat. Will wonders never cease!

    Arizona Republican House speaker effectively dooms GOP bill to allow state legislature to reject election results

  9. Rewind is offline
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    02-07-2022, 11:27 PM #109
    While President, Donald Trump stacked the Supreme Court with pro-Trump loyalists who care more about appeasing Trump and the Retrumplicans than about honoring the Constitution, the rule of law and the Voting Rights Act. In a 5-4 decision, the Court is allowing the Congressional map drawn by Alabama's Retrumplican legislators. It created six majority white districts and only one majority black district even though blacks make up more than 25% of the state's population. Shameful!

    Supreme Court halts order requiring Alabama to redraw Congressional map
    "Today’s decision is one more in a disconcertingly long line of cases in which this Court uses its shadow docket," Justice Elena Kagan wrote in a scathing dissent.

  10. Rewind is offline
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    02-13-2022, 03:44 PM #110
    Laxalt parrots Donald Trump's false claim that mail-in ballots and ballot drop boxes are not safe – but, unlike Trump, Laxalt has decreed that mail-in voting is just fine for anyone who votes Retrumplican.

    Republican vote-by-mail opponent tells rural Nevada voters it’s actually fine
    US Senate candidate Adam Laxalt said mail-in ballots aren't "safe" – unless you're in a largely Republican rural county. It's not the first time he's done so.

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