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  1. Rewind is offline
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    05-31-2022, 07:05 PM #291
    At least 847 people who took part in the Capitol riot have been arrested and charged with federal crimes. At a May 28 rally in Wyoming, Donald Trump denounced Representative Liz Cheney as "one of the nation’s leading proponents of the insurrection hoax." Trump incited the deadly riot by telling his blindly loyal supporters to "march to the Capitol" and "fight like hell" to "stop the steal." Then he watched the same live television coverage that tens of millions of Americans watched – and he calls the riot a "hoax." Wow.

    January 6 riot suspect arrested after fraternity brother reported him to FBI
    Levi Roy Gable posted on Facebook that "I was among the first people" to enter the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

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    06-02-2022, 04:14 PM #292
    The Capitol Riot began at 12:53 PM January 6, 2021. At 4:17 PM, Donald Trump released a video telling the rioters he loved them and urging them to go home. He had spent the previous three hours gleefully watching the riot on television and feeling proud that he had so many blindly loyal supporters who believed his Big Lie of a "rigged" and "stolen" election and who were filling to fight for him, to kill for him and to die for him.

    Republicans who texted chief of staff Mark Meadows with urgent pleas on January 6 say Trump could have stopped the violence

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    06-03-2022, 02:36 PM #293
    Navarro is one of four former Trump advisers who have ignored the subpoenas of the January 6 House committee. They refuse to testify and they refuse to provide requested documents. They are blindly loyal members of The Cult Of Donald Trump, sworn to protect him and defend him at all costs.

    Grand jury indicts former Trump adviser Peter Navarro for contempt of Congress

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    06-03-2022, 11:50 PM #294
    If the January 6 House committee recommends that Donald Trump be indicted for attempting to overturn an election and inciting a deadly riot, will the Department of Justice indict him? Or will "Teflon Don" skate away with no charges filed? Acquittals in two Senate impeachment trials showed the world that Trump is above the law and never faces any consequences for his actions.

    Department of Justice declines to charge Mark Meadows and Dan Scavino with contempt of Congress

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    06-05-2022, 03:34 PM #295
    In an interview broadcast today on ABC's This Week, South Carolina Representative Tom Rice – one of only 10 Congressional Republicans to vote to impeach Trump for inciting the deadly Capitol riot – said he would consider supporting Trump again if Trump "came out and said 'I'm sorry that I made a huge mistake on January 6.'" We all know that will not happen. Trump never apologizes for anything. Ever. The first of the House committee's televised hearings will begin at 8 PM June 9.

    January 6 hearings set to highlight battle between democracy and Donald Trump
    HuffPost, Jun 5, 2022 08:00 AM EDT

    The House January 6 committee’s long-awaited public hearings are set to start this week, promising to highlight the deep schism between Donald Trump and his allies on one side and democracy on the other. The committee planned a half-dozen hearings over two weeks to lay out its findings from more than 1,000 interviews – a great many compelled by a subpoena – and more than 100,000 pages of documents, with the hope of boiling it down to an easily digested narrative about what the former President tried to do to remain in power.

    J. Michael Luttig, the retired federal appellate judge who advised former Vice President Mike Pence that he had no authority to overturn the election as Trump was demanding, said, “They’ve got to condense this down and tell the American people that our democracy is in peril. When Trump denies that he lost the election and promises to do the same next time in order to ensure that he wins, he is driving a stake through the heart of our democracy.”

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    06-06-2022, 07:39 PM #296
    Donald Trump spread baseless lies of "widespread voter fraud" and a "rigged" and "stolen" election. Donald Trump and his campaign filed – and lost – 63 lawsuits seeking to overturn the 2020 election results. Donald Trump urged Georgia's Secretary of State to "find" enough votes to give him a victory in the state. Donald Trump incited a deadly riot by ordering his blindly loyal supporters to "march to the Capitol" and "fight like hell." Donald Trump should be charged with seditious conspiracy – but will he be? Or will the Department of Justice agree with Congressional Retrumplicans that Trump is above the law and therefore will never be held accountable for his actions?

    Proud Boys leader and four top members charged with seditious conspiracy over January 6

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    06-09-2022, 12:36 AM #297
    On May 29, Merrick Garland gave a commencement address at Harvard. He lamented the "dramatic increase in legislative efforts that make it harder for millions of eligible voters to vote." Then he addressed the deadly, Trump-incited Capitol riot: "We are undertaking one of the largest investigations in our history to hold accountable everyone who was criminally responsible for the January 6 assault on our democracy. We will follow the facts wherever they lead." Those "facts" should lead to an indictment of Donald Trump, shouldn't they, Merrick? "Lock him up! Lock him up!"

    Democrats fret as Garland's January 6 investigation creeps closer to pre-midterm deadline
    CNN, Jun 9 2022 2:23 PM ET

    Top Democratic leaders in Washington and across the country fear that Donald Trump might be running for President again by the time Attorney General Merrick Garland decides whether to prosecute him and others in his orbit for the January 6 insurrection – and that any action by the Biden Justice Department could be cast by Republicans as little more than a political vendetta.

    Justice officials say they still have plenty of time in President Joe Biden's administration should they decide to bring prosecutions for any crimes connected to the effort to overturn the election results. The Justice Department has traditionally held to a 60-day window before election days to hold off on political prosecutions, which would put a cutoff date in early September. However, that usually has applied only to people who are on the ballot in the upcoming election.

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    06-09-2022, 04:26 PM #298
    Kelley spoke at a "Stop The Steal" rally in Lansing in November 2020. He told the blindly loyal – and gullible – Trump supporters, "Covid-19 was made so they can use the propaganda to control your minds so that you think, if you watch the media, that Joe Biden won this election. We're not going to buy it. We're going to stand and fight for America, for Donald Trump. We're not going to let the Democrats steal this election."

    FBI arrests Ryan Kelley, Republican candidate for Governor of Michigan
    Kelley faces four charges for participating in the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot.

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    06-10-2022, 02:12 PM #299
    During the deadly, Trump-incited Capitol riot, blindly loyal Trump supporters who believed The Big Lie of a "rigged" and "stolen" election built a makeshift gallows and were chanting, "Hank Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!" On the first day of the televised hearings, Liz Cheney cited two Trump advisers who testified that Trump had said, "Maybe our supporters have the right idea. Mike Pence deserves it." Deranged, demented, delusional Donald today called the report "a made-up story by somebody looking to become a star."

    House January 6 committee releases brutal video depicting violence at the Capitol
    The violent mashup was contrasted with statements Trump and his allies made afterward characterizing the event as a peaceful protest.

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    06-10-2022, 09:52 PM #300
    Trump refuses to accept any responsibility for inciting the deadly Capitol riot. Rather, he insists it was "caused by a rigged and stolen election." Yes, deranged, demented, delusional Donald continues to make that claim, even though there is zero evidence. Zero. None. It was the most free and fair election in United States history.

    Trump rails against William Barr and January 6 committee’s primetime hearing

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