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  1. Rewind is offline
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    07-30-2019, 10:44 PM #91
    These women may not have been the intended targets – but, regardless, they're both dead. Just another typical day in the United States of America.

    2 Chicago mothers who worked to stop violence killed in drive-by shooting
    They volunteered with Mothers/Men Against Sensless Killings (MASK).

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    07-31-2019, 03:29 PM #92
    Letter from Frank Ferrone of El Cajon in today's Los Angeles Times:

    "What could be more American than the Gilroy Garlic Festival, an annual rural food fest put on by a community celebrating the fruits of its labor? And what could be more symbolic of America than to have this quintessential Norman Rockwell moment be permanently scarred by a mass shooting? But the National Rifle Association and the gun owners of America need not worry. Nothing will be done. The NRA and its subsidiary, the GOP, led by President Trump, will offer their thoughts and prayers to the victims. The Democratic majority in the House might pass common-sense gun control legislation, only to be blocked by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in the Senate. Before the bodies are buried, the next law-abiding gun owner of automatic weapons is locking and loading his arsenal for the next mass shooting in a town to be named later."

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    07-31-2019, 05:42 PM #93
    Two hundred forty-eight mass shootings in 212 days. That's an awful lot of meaningless "thoughts and prayers" for the Republicans to offer. They must be growing weary.

    There have been more mass shootings than days in 2019

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    08-03-2019, 04:49 PM #94
    A 21-year-old man with a semi-automatic rifle opened fire today at an El Paso Walmart. KTSM-Channel 9 is reporting 18 fatalities. Twenty-two wounded, including a 2-year-old and a 9-year-old, have been admitted to local hospitals and 11 are in critical condition. Just another typical day in the United States of America.

    Multiple people dead in shooting at El Paso Walmart

  5. Rewind is offline
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    08-03-2019, 06:02 PM #95
    Here is an update from NBC. Have the Republicans offered their meaningless "thoughts and prayers" yet?

    El Paso shooting: At least 19 dead, 40 injured in Walmart attack

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    08-04-2019, 02:21 PM #96
    Two hundred fifty mass shootings in the first 216 days of this year. The El Paso shooter had posted an anti-immigrant manifesto. The Dayton shooter killed nine people, including his sister, in less than a minute. Democratic Presidential hopeful Beto O'Rourke told reporters, "Trump is a racist and he stokes racism in this country. It fundamentally changes the nature of this country and it leads to violence." Trump, of course, calls himself "the least racist person in the world" – but he is the sole resident of Trumpworld, the Land of Delusions.

    9 dead, 27 injured in mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio

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    08-04-2019, 03:09 PM #97
    This morning, Beto O'Rourke told reporters we need to enact universal background checks, end gun-show loopholes, ban "assault weapons and weapons of war" and make it harder for people to get a gun when they "shouldn't have one in the first place." He added, "We also have to acknowledge that the open racism and intolerance and hatred we are seeing throughout this country being echoed and trafficked in by the President of the United States who encourages this kind of hatred."

    Biden, Warren, Sanders, Castro, Harris, Booker, Delaney, de Blasio, Klobuchar, Buttigieg, Tim Ryan and many other Democratic leaders have spoken out about the El Paso and Dayton shootings and denounced white nationalism, emphasizing the urgency to stand up to the gun lobby and take action to combat what Warren calls the "gun violence epidemic."

    The Republicans' response: *Crickets*

  8. Rewind is offline
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    08-04-2019, 04:51 PM #98
    Remember, this is the man who, shortly before his inauguration, told the NRA, "You have a friend in the White House." For Donald Trump and most Republicans, the right to own lots of guns is far more important than any American's right to life.

    After pair of mass shootings, Trump remains out of sight
    The Associated Press, Aug 4 2019 2:34 PM

    As the nation reeled from two mass shootings in less than a day, President Donald Trump spent the first hours after the tragedies out of sight at his New Jersey golf course, sending out tweets of support awkwardly mixed in with those promoting a celebrity fight and attacking his political foes.

    Trump will return to Washington this evening and will likely address reporters, but the nation did not glimpse the President in the immediate aftermath of a shooting in El Paso that killed at least 20 people and, hours later, one in Dayton that claimed at least nine lives. Never seemingly comfortable consoling a nation in grief, Trump will be carefully watched for his response to an anti-immigration manifesto that police say the El Paso shooter left behind, again inviting comparison to his predecessors who have tried to heal the country in moments of national trauma.

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    08-04-2019, 05:04 PM #99
    What did I just say about Republicans and their love of guns? At least 29 Americans were killed in two mass shootings in a 14-hour period and Kevin McCarthy blames video games. Nothing will change until Democrats regain control of the Senate.

    The top House Republican is blaming video games for the weekend’s mass shootings
    "The idea that these video games that dehumanize individuals, to have a game of shooting individuals, I’ve always felt that it's a problem for future generations and others," said House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

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    08-05-2019, 01:58 PM #100
    "Accused shooter." Really? Patrick Crusius isn't just the "accused shooter." He's the shooter. Period. A police spokesman told ABC News that Crusius said he "wanted to kill as many Mexicans as possible." Lovely.

    El Paso shooting: Death toll rises to 22 as investigators put together timeline of accused shooter's movements

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