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  1. Rewind is offline
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    10-27-2018, 05:00 PM #1

    Another day, another mass shooting

    Columbine. Newtown. Lakeland. Roseburg. Atlanta. Aurora. Killeen. Santa Fe. San Bernardino. Sutherland Springs. Fort Hood. Virginia Tech. The University of Texas. The Washington Navy Yard. A McDonald's in San Ysidro. A music festival in Las Vegas. In the United States of America, no place is safe from gun violence. Mass shootings occur in schools, churches, malls, theaters, restaurants, nightclubs and workplaces. Today, 11 people were shot and killed in a synagogue by a deranged man who had posted anti-Semitic rants on Facebook. And the President's response? Very predictably, he said nothing about gun control. He suggested schools, churches and synagogues should have armed guards. How sad that our nation has come to this.

    11 Dead, six wounded in Pittsburgh synagogue shooting
    KDKA-TV, Oct 27, 2018 4:01 PM ET

    Eleven people have been killed and six others injured in a shooting today at The Tree Of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill. Police sources say the gunman walked into the building and yelled, "All Jews must die." He was armed with an AR-15 and two handguns.

    When officers arrived, the gunman shot at them, forcing officers to use their vehicles as a shield. The suspect, a heavy-set white male with a beard, surrendered. The SWAT team had been talking with the suspect and he was crawling and injured. It is unclear the extent of his injuries.

    The suspect is 48-year-old Robert Bowers. It is believed that he acted alone. The shooting happened during weekly Shabbat services at the synagogue. Police are also investigating if Bowers announced his intentions on social media this morning. His account has since been taken down. One posting stated, "HIAS [Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society] likes to bring invaders in that kill our people. I can't sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I'm going in."

    The shooting is being investigated as a hate crime and the FBI is leading the investigation. President Donald Trump called the shooting a "terrible thing" and said "it’s a shame to watch." He added, "If they had some kind of protection inside the temple, maybe it could have been a much different situation. But they didn't and he was able to do things that unfortunately he shouldn't have been able to do."

    Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf said in a statement, "These senseless acts of violence are not who we are as Americans. We must all pray and hope for no more loss of life. But we have been saying 'this one is too many' for far too long. Dangerous weapons are putting our citizens in harm’s way. We must come together and take action to prevent these tragedies in the future. We cannot accept this violence as normal."
    Last edited by Rewind; 06-05-2022 at 03:37 PM.

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    10-27-2018, 05:36 PM #2
    Bowers posted hate-filled tirades on Gab and other social media sites -- but, oh golly, we can't investigate anyone who owns guns and posts anti-Semitic rants because that would violate his First Amendment guarantee of freedom of speech. Yeah, and the news media also have to refer to the killer as merely a "suspect."

    Robert Bowers: What to know about the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting suspect

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    10-27-2018, 06:36 PM #3
    Here in the no-longer-United States of America, people are trying to turn today's synagogue shooting into a political issue. They're asking if Bowers is a Democrat or a Republican. Does it really matter? Eleven people are dead. Anyway, Bowers is a registered voter with no party affiliation but he complained about Trump being a "globalist" who is not doing enough to stop the "kike infestation." And of course Bowers had no trouble getting two handguns and an assault rifle.

    Robert Bowers' politics: He wrote he didn't vote for Trump

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    10-27-2018, 07:08 PM #4
    Amy Schumer, Henry Winkler, Josh Groban, Patricia Arquette, Ellen DeGeneres and many others in the entertainment industry are speaking out on Twitter about our nation's latest mass shooting. Here are some of the tweets:

    Bette Midler: "To the families of those who died in the synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh, my deepest sympathies. This horror is escalating day by day. If only we had LEADERSHIP that would take steps to stop it."

    Ben Stiller, responding to Trump's suggestion that synagogues should have armed guards: "No one should have to go through airport security to go to pray in a synagogue or a church or a mosque. This is not the fault of the synagogue. #Guncontrol"

    George Takei: "Trump said that what happened at the synagogue would have been prevented by an armed guard at the site. And yet the gunman shot three armed police officers. Let's stop with the good-guy-with-a-gun fantasy. Let's start with getting AR-15s off the market."

    Piers Morgan, referring to AR-15s: "I ask again, why the f*** are these legal for civilians?"

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    10-27-2018, 08:47 PM #5
    Today at a rally in Murphysboro, Illinois, Trump spoke about our nation's latest mass shooting: "The scourge of anti-Semitism cannot be ignored, cannot be tolerated and cannot be allowed to continue. It must be confronted and condemned everywhere it rears its very ugly head."

    Then he reverted to type. He said, "If you don't mind, I'm going to tone it down just a little bit" -- and many in the crowd booed and shouted "No!" Trump then proceeded to "stoke fear" by bashing Maxine Waters, the Democrats, the migrant caravan and the news media and leading the crowd in a "Lock him up!" chant against George Soros. This pompous, narcissistic blowhard refuses to see how his hateful rhetoric encourages some of his more deranged supporters to commit acts of violence. And did Trump telephone any of the Democrats (including George Soros) to whom Cesar Sayoc sent pipe bombs? Of course not. Donald Trump cares about no one but Donald Trump.

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    10-27-2018, 10:33 PM #6
    Memo to Drew Barkley at Temple Sinai: I can understand your shock, your fear and your caution and I know you're only a few blocks away from the Tree Of Life synagogue but be reasonable: Do you really think after today's synagogue shooting that there will be another synagogue shooting tomorrow? Oy vey!

    Pittsburgh synagogue hires armed guards to open for Sunday school after nearby shooting

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    10-27-2018, 10:56 PM #7
    Robert Bowers shot and killed 11 people and wounded six others and has been charged with 11 counts of using a firearm to commit murder and 18 other counts including attacking police officers and obstructing the expression of religious beliefs in a way that causes death. And they still call him only a "suspect."

    Suspect in Pittsburgh synagogue shooting charged with 29 counts in deaths of 11 people

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    10-28-2018, 01:12 PM #8
    Here is video of William Peduto's appearance this morning on NBC's Meet The Press:

    Pittsburgh Mayor to Trump: Guns in synagogues are not the answer

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    10-28-2018, 01:24 PM #9
    The number of hate crimes taking place in the United States -- hate crimes against blacks, gays, Jews, Muslims and others -- has been rising dramatically in the past few years. CNN reported yesterday that the single month with the most hate crimes was November 2016, the month of a Presidential election. How many of these attacks and shootings are fueled by Trump's constant hateful rhetoric? Trump, of course, will say "none" -- but we know better.

    Man who killed two at Kroger grocery store in Kentucky tried to enter a predominantly black church minutes earlier

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    10-28-2018, 07:11 PM #10
    Yesterday we knew how many people died in our nation's latest mass shooting. Today we know who they were. Hatred + guns: a deadly combination. We need to find a way to get rid of the hatred or get rid of the guns. Preferably both.

    Pittsburgh synagogue shooting victims ranged in age from 54 to 97 and included a dentist, a physician, brothers and a husband and wife

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