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  1. Rewind is offline
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    12-27-2021, 11:50 PM #891
    Another baseless accusation made by deranged, demented, delusional Donald has turned out to be false. Is anyone surprised?

    Trump claimed thousands of dead voted in Georgia election; investigation found only four
    Newsweek, Dec 27 2021

    Former President Donald Trump claimed that thousands of dead voters cast a ballot in Georgia's 2020 Presidential election. An investigation conducted by the Georgia attorney general's office found that just four of the more than four million ballots cast were signed by a voter who had died. Three ballots were cast by widows on behalf of their recently deceased spouses and one ballot was cast by a mother for her deceased son.

  2. Rewind is offline
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    01-02-2022, 03:49 AM #892
    Donald Trump and his campaign filed 63 lawsuits challenging the results of the 2020 Presidential election. Almost all were dismissed or denied due to lack of evidence. Trump continues to demand audits and recounts, even though the 2020 election was the most safe and secure in our nation's history. Deranged, demented, delusional Donald refuses to admit he lost. The men in the white coats need to take him away.

    Texas election audit demanded by Trump fails to find significant voting issues

  3. dm_4 is offline
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    01-06-2022, 08:40 PM #893
    Love how much space and time Trump takes up in your snowflake mind. Priceless!!!!

  4. Rewind is offline
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    01-09-2022, 08:03 PM #894
    A Republican has chosen to speak the truth instead of agreeing with delusional Donald that the 2020 Presidential election was "rigged" and "stolen." Will wonders never cease!

    GOP Senator says Trump’s election allegations are unfounded
    Politico, Jan 9 2022

    Senator Mike Rounds today made it clear that he didn’t subscribe to Trump’s conspiracy theories about the 2020 election being stolen from him. "As a part of our due diligence, we looked at over 60 different accusations made in multiple states," the South Dakota Republican said on ABC’s This Week. "While there were some irregularities, there were none of the irregularities which would have risen to the point where they would have changed the vote outcome in a single state. The election was fair, as fair as we have seen." Looking toward the 2022 midterms, which could break the deadlock in what is now a 50-50 Senate, Rounds said Republicans must move past unfounded allegations that Trump was cheated out of a victory if they wish to prevail.

  5. Rewind is offline
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    01-10-2022, 04:29 PM #895
    Any Retrumplican who dares to disagree with deranged, demented, delusional Donald immediately becomes his enemy. Yesterday, Senator Mike Rounds said the 2020 Presidential election was fair. Today, Trump called Rounds a "jerk" and repeated The Big Lie that the election was "stolen."

    GOP Senator triggers Trump by telling the truth about the election

  6. dm_4 is offline
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    01-10-2022, 07:41 PM #896
    Man o man....Trump has driven you nuts lol. You really do have DTDS. I love seeing it. You should prob seek some medical help.

  7. Rewind is offline
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    01-12-2022, 05:26 PM #897
    Deranged, demented, delusional Donald continues to insist the 2020 election was "rigged" – and how dare anyone suggest otherwise!

    Flustered Trump cuts NPR interview short when challenged on election lies

  8. dm_4 is offline
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    Joined: Dec 2012 Location: Boston, Ma Posts: 3,029
    01-12-2022, 06:30 PM #898
    Quote Originally Posted by Rewind View Post
    Deranged, demented, delusional Donald continues to insist the 2020 election was "rigged" – and how dare anyone suggest otherwise!

    Flustered Trump cuts NPR interview short when challenged on election lies
    You really should focus on the present and the future....President Trump is no longer President. The only one that seems to be stuck on past election is you Rewind. Not a good look at all. Care to focus on President Biden and the job that he has done over his first year in office? Looking at his poll numbers...I understand why you would not want to. Prove me wrong.

  9. Rewind is offline
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    01-12-2022, 07:10 PM #899
    Quote Originally Posted by dm_4 View Post
    The only ones who seem to be stuck on the past election is Donald Trump and the Retrumplicans.
    Fixed it for you. By the way, Trump will run again in 2024. Last month he told talk show host Hugh Hewitt that if he does not run, "my base is going to be very angry." And of course four years was not enough time for him to finish destroying our democracy. Andrew Prokop, senior political correspondent, offers some suggestions:

    How to stop Trump from stealing the election next time
    There’s no foolproof solution but there are a few things that could help.

  10. dm_4 is offline
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    Joined: Dec 2012 Location: Boston, Ma Posts: 3,029
    01-12-2022, 09:51 PM #900
    Quote Originally Posted by Rewind View Post
    Fixed it for you. By the way, Trump will run again in 2024. Last month he told talk show host Hugh Hewitt that if he does not run, "my base is going to be very angry." And of course four years was not enough time for him to finish destroying our democracy. Andrew Prokop, senior political correspondent, offers some suggestions:

    How to stop Trump from stealing the election next time
    There’s no foolproof solution but there are a few things that could help.
    You seriously need to get your head examined Rewind. Trump owns you and it shows. Let it go buddy. You will be better off for it. I will try to help you. For instance do you have a list of accomplishments that President Biden has achieved in his first year?