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  1. Peterp62 is offline
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    03-24-2015, 12:43 AM #1

    Major streaming issues with new app

    My carrier is AT&T and I'm using an iPhone 6 ver 8.2 (latest update) and am having major streaming issues with new app - every 10 to 15 minutes my connection breaks saying it's too slow to stream - my network is fine and all other apps stream fine - the old app had horrible navigation but I'd take that any day just so I could listen uninterrupted / anyone else having this issue??

  2. SiriusBuzz is offline
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    03-24-2015, 02:06 AM #2
    I am listening to downloaded shows and seeing the same error. It makes no sense. If I'm listening to a downloaded show, what should my connectivity have to do with anything?
    Charles LaRocca
    SiriusBuzz Founder

  3. Peterp62 is offline
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    03-24-2015, 04:21 PM #3

    Download great idea!

    Quote Originally Posted by SiriusBuzz View Post
    I am listening to downloaded shows and seeing the same error. It makes no sense. If I'm listening to a downloaded show, what should my connectivity have to do with anything?

  4. Peterp62 is offline
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    03-24-2015, 04:22 PM #4
    I didn't even think to try downloading shows! I've just been streaming on demand

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