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  1. SiriusXMInvestor is offline
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    03-12-2009, 06:28 PM #1

    Why have the Sirius Buzz Shows stopped?

    Where has Tyler been? Something smells here. I always suspected Tyler worked for Mel behind the scenes. I believe I am right on this one.

  2. SiriusBuzz is offline
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    03-12-2009, 07:19 PM #2
    I can't speak for Tyler but, I have been sick as all hell for weeks now.

    No one here works for anyone you clown. Everyone has a conspiracy theory around everything that has to do with this stock. It can never be that the company sucks. People bash the media for bashing Sirius but, if you listened to the media and sold when they told you to, you would all be better off. As much as I like the service, the company is sub par at best. Stop trying to put the blame anywhere but on the unbelievably inept management team. 84k Q4 subs...but that's because of the economy.... yeaaahhh okaaaay.
    Charles LaRocca
    SiriusBuzz Founder

  3. SiriusXMInvestor is offline
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    03-12-2009, 07:42 PM #3
    I wrote the Tyler thing only to see if he would bite and come out of hiding. I know he doesn't work for SIRI. Although he has been very quite for the past 6 weeks. Maybe you should see a doctor. The flu this season has been devastating.

  4. SiriusBuzz is offline
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    03-12-2009, 07:55 PM #4
    If that isn't what you meant... you need to be careful... people like to overreact.

    I have seen a doctor on multiple occasions and it is not the flu... thanks for the concern though.
    Charles LaRocca
    SiriusBuzz Founder

  5. siriusly long is offline
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    03-12-2009, 07:57 PM #5
    maybe your doc can also give you a happy pill Charles......

  6. SiriusBuzz is offline
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    03-12-2009, 10:08 PM #6
    A happy pill? For what? I cant remember anytime in my life where things were going so well for me... other then my health, I am as happy as I could be.

    Why am I unhappy? Because Sirius XM blows and I speak out about it? So now its not that Sirius XM is doing bad... its that I need a happy pill. That's a new one!

    Sirius is now officially doing bad because of the media, heartlieb, FCC, SEC, market manipulators, shorts, and because I need prozac.
    Charles LaRocca
    SiriusBuzz Founder

  7. Hairnationlover is offline
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    03-19-2009, 03:39 AM #7
    Sorry to hear you are ill, I hope you get to feeling better!! Did you by any chance have the superbug that was going around a few weeks ago? I have heard horror stories about some of the things that happened to people when they became ill with it, people rupturing their appendix from puking so hard to an 18 year old nearly having a heart attack, my kids also got it, and my husband puked so hard that he busted blood vessels in his eye. This "thing" was not any ordinary virus and I have my own theory about what is was but I will keep my mouth shut!! Anyway I hope you get to feeling better soon

  8. mikelangelo11 is offline
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    04-01-2010, 03:20 AM #8
    Sirius still faces many challenges ahead of it.First and foremost, it's not clear whether the company's biggest star will be on the Sirius XM payroll at this time a year from now.He argued that even though Sirius XM has done a good job of cutting costs after doling out expensive contracts for on-air personalities with a much smaller following than Stern,Sirius XM may have no choice but to pay up for a Stern renewal or risk losing a big chunk of its subscribers.