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  1. rdl1972 is offline
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    01-18-2010, 10:38 PM #1

    Siriusbuzz dead?

    Is Siriusbuzz still an active site? No new stories for over a month.

  2. sxminvestor is offline
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    01-18-2010, 11:49 PM #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Atypical View Post
    Seems so, doesn't it? The stock is dormant which may have a bearing on things too.

    It takes work to keep things fresh. Perhaps there is no will to continue.

    I'm doing my part. See stock talk and politics.

    I hear crickets - go to Satwaves.

  3. SiriusBuzz is offline
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    01-19-2010, 08:43 PM #3
    Quote Originally Posted by rdl1972 View Post
    Is Siriusbuzz still an active site? No new stories for over a month.
    Define active? There are still plenty of people participating on the forums. Yes, I am still here making sure the site is alive and online for everyone. Not really a ton of news and I took a much needed vacation.
    Charles LaRocca
    SiriusBuzz Founder

  4. rdl1972 is offline
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    01-19-2010, 10:03 PM #4
    Hey Charles,

    Nice to see a new post. My original comment wasn't meant as a bash against Siriusbuzz, just missed reading your updates. Do you think the positive sub info can got us over the magical dollar threshold needed to remain listed.

  5. SiriMonkey is offline
    01-20-2010, 07:11 AM #5
    Quote Originally Posted by rdl1972 View Post
    Is Siriusbuzz still an active site? No new stories for over a month.
    Dear Rob,

    I started a Welcome to Sirius Buzz post to you when I realized you have been a member since May 2008. With 4 posts to your credit, I believe
    that is approx 1 post every 8 months or so. Actually the statistics are more
    dismal than that, the last 2 posts were made on the same day.

    Having said that, your question concerning being an active site should
    apply to the posters as well. People like us who enjoy Sirius Buzz
    need to participate, as well as read, in order for this site to thrive.
    Please understand this is not directed at you, it is only my frustrations
    at seeing the posts dwindle, and where the same few posters account for
    the majority of posts.

    I thought this might be a good opportunity to address this, with your thread.
    So please, we all need to do our part and keep the conversation
    flowing. We enjoy reading the different thoughts, opinions, and knowledge
    that everyone has to offer. I almost forgot recipes. Over at Market Watch, they are more than just handsome faces, they can cook too.

    Now Rob, aren't you glad you asked that question?



  6. SiriusBuzz is offline
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    01-20-2010, 12:06 PM #6
    Quote Originally Posted by rdl1972 View Post
    Hey Charles,

    Nice to see a new post. My original comment wasn't meant as a bash against Siriusbuzz, just missed reading your updates.
    I am with julietoo on this one, you have gone inactive for 8 months at a time and yet you get on us for a couple of weeks over the holiday season

    Quote Originally Posted by rdl1972 View Post
    Do you think the positive sub info can got us over the magical dollar threshold needed to remain listed.
    I think that is a huge percentage increase from where we are now... that is all I will say.
    Charles LaRocca
    SiriusBuzz Founder

  7. rdl1972 is offline
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    01-20-2010, 03:56 PM #7


    Charles and Julietoo,

    Rough crowd here at the buzz. Yikes guys , I didn't think i was bashing the site too bad. I am more of a reader than a poster. I am in the middle of raising a 15 month old and rehabbing a 109 year old 2-family row house in Brooklyn , not to mention the 60 hr work week . Some days I don't know whether I am coming or going , it's all good though LOL. Really do enjoy the site and will try to post on more than a bi-annual basis. Been with the company as a sub since Howard made the move and as an Equity investor since before the merger . Finally in the black , let's hope 2010 is a memorable one for SIRI. I think we get back to 20 million plus this year.


  8. SiriusBuzz is offline
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    01-20-2010, 04:09 PM #8
    I hope you know I was just breaking balls. I have the 60hr work week and my 2 fam is 116yrs old so I win! I am thinking about having kids...does that count?
    Charles LaRocca
    SiriusBuzz Founder

  9. SiriMonkey is offline
    01-20-2010, 05:22 PM #9
    Geez Rob, I thought I was being gentle and tactful.

    Guess not so much.

    I'm sorry you took offense Rob. Didn't mean for it to.


  10. Atypical is offline
    01-20-2010, 06:23 PM #10
    Now that I notice it, your dog does look about to bite!

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