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  1. GroundLoop is offline
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    01-13-2023, 12:54 PM #1

    Question Do SiriusXM Lifetime Subscription radios ever need a refresh?

    Have two Lifetime Subscription radios. One of them just went to the Preview channel. Did a "refresh my radio" and now all the channels are back. This did not happen to the other radio. The one that went to the Preview channel is a newer radio. Have had the one Lifetime Subscription radio for almost 10 years and never had an issue. Do Lifetime Subscription radios need occasional refreshes?

  2. CrystalPistol is offline
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    03-20-2023, 12:14 AM #2
    I've had my life subbed receiver need refreshing after long periods of no use when I was spending a lot of time in the hospital. I keep the number in my cell phone with the receiver number noted.