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  1. Rick S is offline
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    07-19-2022, 12:30 PM #1

    Artist Alert. What does your radio do?

    Hi Everyone,

    I have been with XM since they started. I currently have 3 subscriptions in 3 cars. That's all I listen to in the car.

    This question is for portable radios only.

    What does your radio do when you get an Artist or Song Alert?
    Please tell me what radio you have, and is a newer radio or older one.

    I replaced my very old Delphi Skyfi 2 XM radio in my car with an Onyx Plus five months ago. I love a lot of the new features.

    But they way it processes an Artist or Song Alert is driving me nuts.

    When my Skyfi 2 gave an Artist Alert it simply went, "Beep." One time, very short. And it did not stop the music while it did it.

    My Onyx Plus stops the music, gives me a "Do do ba do" alert, and then un-pauses the song from where it stopped it.
    That is extremely annoying, and there is no reason for it to stop the music.

    I sing with the music all the time. When I got an alert with my old Skyfi, it simply beeped, I looked at it to see if I wanted to switch to that channel or not, and kept singing. With the Onyx Plus: I'm singing, the music stops, do do ba do, and then the music resumes from where it stopped. I'm still singing - so now I have to stop singing, and go back to where the music is. It is very frustrating for me, and my wife, and there is absolutely no reason for the music to stop.

    I have been writing to Sirius for the past 5 months to try to get the programming changed. No response.
    I have called and talked with them 8 times over the past 4 months. They don't understand what I'm telling them. It appears noone in the company personally uses this radio. They don't know how the radio responds. All they want to do is refresh my signal, or send me a new radio. I've had 2 of these radios. They both do the same thing.

    I kept pushing to get to talk to someone at the corporate level. Corporate finally called me today. Again, he could not comprehend what I was telling him. He insisted that he send me a refresh signal. "No." Then he wanted to delete my subscription, and redo it, to fix the issue. I didn't want to lose all my artist and song alerts and told him, "No."
    I told him the problem is not with my radio. The problem is with how the radios are programmed at the factory.

    I finally got his supervisor, who was very nice and understanding. I asked her to, "Have the Onyx Plus radios reprogrammed and an update sent out to not have the music stop, and shorten the audio notice to a simple Beep." She nicely said - that's not going to happen.

    So, I'm wondering if there is a different radio that responds to a song/artist alert like my old Skyfi 2 did.
    How does your radio react?


  2. Ken is offline
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    08-07-2022, 10:27 AM #2
    I'm afraid I'm not much help. All 3 of my radios are circa 2006 so they just beep like your radio. I actually don't use the feature because that beep was terribly annoying. If I want to hear a certain song I will just use my Amazon Music service. XM is great for background music at home and news while driving.