Am I the only person that listens to Deep Tracks? The only reason I have a subscription to XM is because of Deep Tracks. Lately they have become the eulogy channel for every recently deceased rocker. Now we have to listen to Neal Young whine for 24 hours a day. Can't SiriusXM find another channel to put these things on? Eddie Van Halen passed away and we had a eulogy fest for heaven only knows how long. Loved his music but Deep Tracks doesn't even play his music on this channel normally. This is supposed to be a channel to hear rock tunes and artists that you can't find on other stations. Jim Ladd plays some of the best tunes that can be found and I tune in faithfully to hear his show daily, but can't he keep his political beliefs to himself? If I want to listen to political discourse there are plenty of those shows on SiriusXM. Back to Neal Young. He has become the kind of person he has railed about for 50 years. From screw the man to submit to the man. Sad!