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  1. Rewind is offline
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    03-25-2021, 09:30 PM #11
    Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed into law a measure that will make it much harder for minorities and Democrats to vote. He predicts critics "will threaten, boycott, sue, demonize and team up with their friends in the national media to call me everything in the book." Golly gee, Governor, why do you think that? Could it be you know full well that this measure has nothing to do with "election integrity" and everything to do with ensuring Retrumplicans stay in office?

    Georgia Republicans speed sweeping elections bill restricting voting access into law

  2. Rewind is offline
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    03-26-2021, 06:12 PM #12
    In their efforts to make it harder for minorities and Democrats to vote, Retrumplicans are becoming increasingly cruel and heartless. I expect many of the Retrumplicans' voting restrictions will be challenged in court.

    It's now illegal in Georgia to give food and water to voters in line

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    03-27-2021, 03:15 PM #13
    Brian Kemp, Georgia's Retrumplican Governor, calls the state's new restrictions on voting a "common-sense election law." Not only are the restrictions definitely not common sense, they were enacted solely because Retrumplicans believe Trump's lies about "widespread voter fraud" and a "rigged, stolen election." Joe Lockhart, former White House Press Secretary for President Clinton, told CNN today, "This is all about keeping Republicans in power, not what is good for our people or good for our democracy."

    Here's why voting rights activists say Georgia's new election law targets Black voters

    ‘This is Jim Crow’: Biden blasts new Georgia law restricting voting, suggests DOJ could get involved

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    03-28-2021, 01:28 AM #14
    For starters: Don't drink Coca-Cola, don't ship packages via UPS, don't shop at The Home Depot, don't fly Delta Airlines and don't buy insurance From Aflac. These companies are based in Georgia and are refusing to denounce the state's Retrumplicans for restricting voting rights.

    Georgia church leader calls for corporate boycott in wake of voter restriction law
    Bishop Reginald Jackson of the Sixth Episcopal District of the AME Church is calling for a boycott of Georgia-based businesses for not opposing the state’s new election law. Bishop Jackson says these companies need to take a stronger stance to protect the right to vote.

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    03-28-2021, 04:38 PM #15
    Atlanta pastor Tim McDonald s not fool by the Retrumplicans' insistence that all they care about is "election integrity" when they impose voting restrictions: "Black folks are not stupid. We know their tricks. We know their motivation. They are the Ku Klux Klan in three-piece suits." Indeed they are.

    Analysis: Georgia Republicans made two big mistakes when they attacked voting rights

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    03-28-2021, 09:07 PM #16
    Gentlemen, start your lawsuits!

    Georgia election officials are sued over new voting rules

    Senator Raphael Warnock invokes Biblical story to describe GOP efforts to roll back voting rights in Georgia

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    03-29-2021, 06:09 PM #17
    The backlash – or "blacklash" – against the "win-at-all-costs" Georgia Retrumplicans is growing.

    Georgia voting law leads to calls for some sports events to be moved or canceled

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    03-29-2021, 07:51 PM #18
    Republicans in Arizona proposed allowing the legislature to overturn presidential election results and appoint its own electors who would vote for a different candidate. Thankfully the proposal did not advance.

  9. Rewind is offline
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    03-30-2021, 10:23 PM #19
    Dimon says "voting must be accessible and equitable." The "win-at-all-costs" Retrumplicans say voting should be very difficult for minorities and Democrats – and they're doing everything they can to make it so.

    JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon speaks out on voting rights even as many CEOs remain silent

  10. Rewind is offline
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    03-31-2021, 06:18 PM #20
    CEOs are finally speaking out against Georgia's new voting restrictions – but why didn't they protest before the Governor signed them into law?

    Delta, Coca-Cola blast home state Georgia's voting restrictions as 'unacceptable'

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