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  1. Rewind is offline
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    01-21-2024, 05:53 PM #291
    New Hampshire will hold its Presidential primary on January 23. In a January 19 CNN poll of likely voters in the state, 50% of Republicans favor Trump, 39% favor Haley and only 6% favor DeSantis – who has now dropped out of the race. Haley continues to believe she can stop the Trump Train. She can't.

    Ron DeSantis ends 2024 Presidential campaign, endorses Trump

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    01-23-2024, 09:28 PM #292
    "Hey, I will be the best dictator the world has ever seen, okay?! I will ban immigration. I will roll back our nation's clean-air and clean-water standards. I will pull us out of NATO. I will weaponize the DOJ to go after the news media, Crooked Joe Biden and the Democrats and all the Republicans who were not loyal to me. And I promise to build a border wall and replace the Affordable Care Act with a beautiful new healthcare system. I know I made those same two promises in 2016 but this time I really mean them, okay? I can't understand why any Republican would not want to vote for me in 2024."

    Disenchanted GOP voters reject Trump
    Celeb Tattler, Jan 23 2024 7:45 PM

    Former President Donald Trump could face substantial hurdles in his bid for the White House in 2024. Regardless of his performance in the New Hampshire primary, a significant segment of the Republican electorate is committed to opposing his candidacy. A recent NBC News/Des Moines Register poll of Iowa voters, conducted ahead of the Iowa caucuses. found that 43% of Nikki Haley supporters indicated they would choose President Joe Biden over Trump in the 2024 election..

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    01-26-2024, 12:22 AM #293
    In a January 12-14 CBS News/YouGov poll of likely voters, Nikki Haley would defeat Biden in a head-to-head matchup, 53% to 45%. She draws more moderates and independents and more voters with college degrees than Trump does against Biden – but Trump will be the Retrumplican nominee. That has been obvious since November 15, 2022, when he announced his candidacy.. He rules the party with an iron fist and they will never consider anyone else. If Trump loses in 2024, we can expect him to run again in 2028.

    Donald Trump's chances stung by alarming poll for GOP
    Newsweek, Jan 25 2024 11:16 AM

    A Fox News voter analysis survey of nearly 2,000 Republican voters who took part in the New Hampshire primary showed that 35% would not support former President Donald Trump if he becomes the GOP's 2024 Presidential nominee. Trump won the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday with 54% of the vote, beating Nikki Haley by 11 points. Trump was able to win after getting strong support from his MAGA base as well as conservatives. While his numbers in Iowa and New Hampshire suggest he will easily win the nomination, the Fox News poll is the latest suggestion that Trump may struggle to win over enough moderates to beat President Joe Biden in November.

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    01-26-2024, 04:03 PM #294
    The Supreme Court of the United States was established by the Judiciary Act of 1789. For more than 200 years, the Justices upheld the Constitution of the United States – but now that Donald Trump has stacked the Court with right-wing, pro-Trump Justices, we can no longer assume they will uphold the Constitution. They may rule in favor of Trump, thus ensuring that he and all future Presidents are above the law and above the Constitution and can act with impunity.

    Haley’s best hope of beating Trump may be in the hands of U.S. Supreme Court
    HuffPost, Jan 26 2024 8:00 AM EST

    Having failed to beat Donald Trump in New Hampshire’s primary, what had seemed like her most promising opportunity, Nikki Haley’s last, best hope of defeating the coup-attempting former President for the 2024 Republican Presidential nomination may now be in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court.

    The high court is scheduled to hear oral arguments next month on the Colorado Supreme Court’s previous ruling, which found that Trump is an insurrectionist because of his words and deeds up to and on January 6, 2021, and he is therefore ineligible to appear on a ballot. Justices could also refuse to take up an anticipated federal appeals court decision denying Trump’s claim that he is immune from prosecution for anything he did as President. That could potentially lead to a felony conviction on Jan.uary6 charges before the summer nominating convention.

    A quick ruling on either would put the potential of Republicans nominating either a convicted felon or someone not even eligible for office front and center, as millions of GOP primary voters prepare to cast ballots on March 5’s Super Tuesday.

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    01-27-2024, 02:39 PM #295
    At a January 23 2016 campaign rally at Dordt College in Iowa, Donald Trump declared, "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose any voters." In 2024, after four indictments, 91 criminal charges, convictions for fraud and sexual abuse, many millions of dollars in fines and the incitement of a deadly riot, Trump seems to be gaining voters – but how and why?

    Donald Trump, amid legal woes, scores poll boost versus Joe Biden

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    01-28-2024, 02:56 PM #296
    Our democracy is at stake in 2024. Biden doesn't need money as much as he needs votes.

    First-of-its-kind campaign fundraiser in the works with Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Biden
    The Biden campaign is planning a spring fundraiser for the President to appear with his two Democratic predecessors.

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    01-30-2024, 03:38 PM #297
    This story says the 14th Amendment to the Constitution makes it illegal for "insurrections to run for office." That isn't so. The 14th Amendment bars insurrectionists from holding office. The ban applies to any civil, state or federal officeholder who took an oath "to support the Constitution of the United States" and "engaged in insurrection or rebellion" against the United States or gave "aid or comfort to the enemies thereof." That means Donald Trump, who incited a deadly riot, can run for President but will not be able to hold office if he wins. Unfortunately, if Trump is re-elected, the right-wing, pro-Trump Supreme Court might rule against the Constitution and in favor of Trump..

    Illinois election board declines to bar Trump from state primary ballots

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    02-01-2024, 03:49 PM #298
    Among registered voters, a huge majority of men support Trump over Biden – but a majority of women and independents support Biden over Trump. Of course because we still have the Civil-War-era relic known as the Electoral College, a candidate can lose the popular vote and still win the Presidency. That has happened five times. The will of the majority is ignored. In 2024, the Presidency will likely go to the candidate who wins Pennsylvania's 19 electoral votes..

    2024 election map predicts Joe Biden will beat Trump

  9. Rewind is offline
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    02-02-2024, 03:31 PM #299
    Retrumplicans continue to support Donald Trump even though Nikki Haley would be much more likely than Trump to defeat Biden in the 2024 Presidential election. They apparently no longer care about winning. All they care about is Trump. He is their idol.

    Haley holds 13-point lead over Biden in new head-to-head poll

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    02-14-2024, 03:55 PM #300
    A recent Gallup poll showed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with a 52% favorability rating, higher than that of Biden, Trump and Haley – but his staff members (and ex-staff members) don't think very highly of him.

    'The campaign is a mess': RFK Jr. hit with staff exodus over 'lavish spending’ and 'amateurish' leadership

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