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  1. dm_4 is offline
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    11-18-2022, 10:28 PM #121
    Quote Originally Posted by Rewind View Post
    The man who served as Governor of Arkansas from 1979 to 1981 and 1983 to 1992 wound up getting elected to the Presidency. His name is Bill Clinton. The current Governor of Arkansas, whose term expires in January, is thinking about running for President in 2024.

    GOP Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson says he’s ‘very seriously’ considering 2024 Presidential bid
    CNN link????? Must be true LMFAO. Trump brings 75 million voters to the table overnight.....good luck ASSa.

  2. Rewind is offline
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    11-19-2022, 12:08 AM #122
    Blindly loyal Trump supporters don't believe any news story unless it comes from Fox News or One America Network – but yet they believe all of Donald Trump's lies about "widespread voter fraud" and a "rigged, stolen election." Go figure! Here is the video from Fox News:

    Governor Asa Hutchinson: I'm considering a run for President

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    11-19-2022, 03:24 PM #123
    All Donald Trump cares about is himself, power and money, in that order – but yet he has inexplicably always had the support of evangelical Christians. That support is finally starting to fade.

    Key evangelical figures turn on Trump: 'He used us'
    One ripped the ex-President for acting "like a little elementary schoolchild." Another warned that if the GOP turns to him in 2024, "we will get destroyed.”

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    11-19-2022, 06:50 PM #124
    Hey Rewind how many anit trump posts do you have on the political threads???? I don't know what that number is....but im just going to throw out 2 thousand or more. I challange you to one day look back on all your posts regarding Trump and HONESTLY ask yourself if you have been objective and unbaised in all your post regarding Trump. If you are being honest with yourself you will come to only one answer...and that would be a RESOUNDING NO!! In fact I will take it one step may even find out that you are so biased that you may have been literally BRAINWASHED by the likes of the liberal media. You have never been fair when giving your opinions regarding Trump. You are what we call a sheeple. Regardless of you hating Trump he actually accomplished alot of great things for this Country and yet you fail to mention even ONE thing. Again by not being fair it only goes to show how mentially impaired you have become. You have a sickness Rewind. Noone in their right mind would post thousand upon thousands of posts over a period of years because they disliked a President. After the thousands of posts of your hatred for Trump where did it get you????????? Nothing came from the Jan 6th commitee. President Trump is stronger than ever. That has to go up your ass sideways. He is running for President again in 2024 and is going to WIN. How does make you feel after all the time you wasted bitching about the guy? All the time saying he was going to be found guilty on 2 impeachments which he was found NOT GUILTY. You must feel DEFLATED Rewind. I mean how could a guy like you not feel that way. Now the DOJ has nothing left. After 6 long investative years they got NOTHING on him. Again...that has to be going up your ass sideways. He is a FREE man....running for President and ulike 99% of others out there he actually has plenty of money to fight the DOJ!! Again...look back at all the bullshit you wrote, all your failed predictions, time wasted, all the bs you were spoon fed and ate like ice cream by the media and the dems. Hate to break it to you Rewind the CLOWN SHOW is OVER. Thanks for buying a ticket. You got played. You got used. There is no more Pelosi as Speaker. There are no more Adam schiffs. There are no more Eric Swalwell's. No more Jerry Nadler's. Like I said....the clowns have officially left the tent. What do you have now Rewind??? Are you going to sit here and carry on the clown narrative for the next 2 or 3 years????? Asides from me.....I am prob the only one that even reads your clown garbage and even occasionally replies to you. I feel bad for you Rewind. I really, really do. Like i said....I hope you can go back and take some time and see how bias and unobjective all your post have been. Look at all your claims and predictions never materialized. MAYBE, just MAYBE if you do that you can then begin to see how you allowed yourself to be play and be a pawn in the clown show of Anti-trumpers. Open your eyes Rewind. Maybe look at both sides of the coin. Come up with an original thought of your own instead of regurtiating what you see and hear on CNN and other liberal networks. Like i said....CLOWN show is over. They left you Rewind. You bought nothing but lies, lies and more lies. Let that marinate for a while. In summary you wasted alot of time and energy over the last 6 years, and you got stuck holding the bag. They don't care about you Rewind...they never did. Maybe at some point in time you will come to that realization and be a better person for it.

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    11-19-2022, 06:57 PM #125
    Apologize for all the typos/misspellings in above post...did not proof it obviously.

  6. Rewind is offline
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    11-19-2022, 07:44 PM #126
    I never said Trump "was going to be found guilty on 2 impeachments." By the way, being acquitted does not mean he is "not guilty." It means fewer than two-thirds of the Senators voted to convict.

    On February 5, 2020, Trump was acquitted of abuse of power by a vote of 52-48 and acquitted of obstruction of Congress by a vote of 53-47. Mitt Romney was the only Republican to vote for conviction on the latter charge. On February 13, 2021, Trump was acquitted of incitement of insurrection by a vote of 57 to 43. Only seven Republicans – Burr, Cassidy, Collins, Murkowski, Romney, Sasse and Toomey – voted to acquit. The other 43 Republicans have sold their souls to Donald Trump and worship him, protect him and defend him at all costs. They saw absolutely nothing wrong with Trump spreading lies of "widespread voter fraud" and a "rigged, stolen election" and inciting a deadly insurrection by ordering his blindly loyal supporters to "march to the Capitol and fight like hell."

    I agree with you that Trump "accomplished a lot." He told more than 30,000 lies while in office (as documented by the Washington Post), he presided over the worst unemployment since the Great Depression, he downplayed and mismanaged the COVID pandemic, he cheated on his taxes, he gave huge tax cuts to banks and big corporations and the wealthiest Americans, he repeatedly attacked the news media and raised the risk of violence against journalists, he insulted Muslims and blacks and Latinos and women, he cozied up to dictators, he stacked the Supreme Court with right-wing pro-Trump Justices, he ordered children of undocumented immigrants to be separated from their parents, he withheld Congressionally-approved military aid from Ukraine and dangled it as a bribe to try to get Zelensky to dig up dirt on Joe Biden, he caused chaos in the Middle East by unilaterally withdrawing the US from the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, and he left office with only a 34% approval rating in the Gallup poll after having been the only President whose support was never higher than 50%.

    None of that is opinion. All of that is fact.

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    11-19-2022, 09:12 PM #127
    Another thing Trump did was to impose huge tariffs on goods imported from China. He said China would pay the tariffs but Americans wound up paying for them. One good thing he did was to start the Space Force.

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    11-19-2022, 09:55 PM #128
    I stand by everything I said to you Rewind. Unbrainwash yourself. I don't have the time nor energy to carry on with you. Total waste of my time. Keep wasting your time and energy with your bullshit one lopsided narrative and talking points that you have been indoctrinated with by the liberal media. Like i said, you were spoonfed the lies and like the simpleton they need you to be, you bought into it hook, line and sinker. Like i said....feel bad for you.

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    11-19-2022, 10:40 PM #129
    Blindly loyal Trump supporters believe all of Trump's lies and they protect and defend him at all costs. They will never discuss the facts. No, it is much easier for them to just refer to anti-Trumpers as "sheeple" who have been "indoctriunated by the liberal media" and to denounce all negative comments about Trump as "garbage" and "bullshit." It is pointless to argue with the Trump worshipers.

    In II Thessalonians 2, the apostle Paul wrote of a "man of lawlessness" who will arise in the end times and will "oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped." He will proclaim himself to be God. Many will be deluded and will believe the lie. Gee, who does that sound like? Will the two-thirds of Retrumplicans who believe Trump's lies of "widespread voter fraud" and a "rigged, stolen election" also believe him if he declares himself to be God? They probably will. How sad.

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    11-20-2022, 05:17 PM #130
    Former GOP House speaker Paul Ryan today told Jonathan Karl on ABC's This Week that the GOP "will probably lose" if Trump is the Presidential nominee in 2024: "He can get his people through the primaries but they can't win general elections. We get past Trump, we start winning elections. We stick with Trump, we keep losing elections." A YouGov poll released November 2017 shows Republicans favor DeSantis over Trump, 46% to 39%.

    DeSantis pitches Republicans looking to move from Trump
    Ron DeSantis painted a picture of his conservative governorship of Florida as a nationwide model for Republican faithful, seeking to reaffirm a burgeoning GOP wing calling for him to take the party’s reins from Donald Trump.

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