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  1. Rewind is offline
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    03-26-2020, 07:45 PM #101
    The United States now has 83,672 confirmed cases of coronavirus, more than any other country. China has 81,285 and Italy has 80,589. The death toll in the US has reached 1,209.

    White House identifies Chicago, Detroit areas as emerging coronavirus hot spots

  2. Rewind is offline
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    03-26-2020, 09:01 PM #102
    This woman is said to have "mental problems." Gee, ya think?

    A Pennsylvania grocery store threw out $35,000 worth of food that a woman intentionally coughed on, sparking coronavirus fears

  3. Rewind is offline
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    03-26-2020, 10:13 PM #103
    This is strange. Does King Donald want the military to arrest any COVID-19 spores that attempt to sneak across the border into the United States and throw them into a detention center?

    Canada attacks 'damaging' Trump plan to deploy troops at border
    Canada today Thursday slammed a US proposal to deploy troops along their undefended border to help fight the spread of the coronavirus, saying the idea was unnecessary and would damage relations.

  4. Rewind is offline
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    03-27-2020, 01:40 AM #104
    Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases, is the one who should be providing coronavirus updates to the American people. King Donald the First, who wouldn't know the truth if it bit him on his orange-colored face, should keep his mouth shut. There have now been 85,594 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 1,300 deaths in the United States. Worldwide, the death toll is 24,090.

    Fact check: Trump utters series of false and misleading claims at coronavirus briefing

  5. Rewind is offline
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    03-27-2020, 02:17 PM #105
    Here in California, schools, courthouses, restaurants, theaters, libraries, parks, piers, gyms, fitness centers, sports arenas and non-essential businesses are closed. Starting today, Department of Motor Vehicles offices are also closed. The so-called Golden State has turned into a Ghost Town State. There have now been 1,468 coronavirus deaths in the United States and 759 in the UK, where Prime Minister Boris Johnson, his health minister and his top medical adviser are all in self-isolation after testing positive for the virus. There have been 9,134 deaths in Italy, 4,934 in Spain, 3,292 in China, 2,378 in Iran, 1,696 in France and 26,504 worldwide.

    A letter from a Michigan hospital system details who would get life-saving resources if equipment runs short during the coronavirus pandemic

  6. Rewind is offline
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    03-27-2020, 10:52 PM #106
    In the United States, 104,142 people have been infected with the coronavirus and 1,696 have died. That is five deaths per every 1,000,000 Americans. Four hundred fifty of those deaths occurred in New York City. In Italy, the death rate is 151 per 1,000,000 population. In China, the death rate is only two per 1,000,000 population. Worldwide, 597,185 people have been infected and 27,359 have died.

    Experts fear child abuse will increase with coronavirus isolation
    People trained to recognize abuse, such as teachers and child care workers, are not seeing kids who may be confined to abusive households.

  7. Rewind is offline
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    03-28-2020, 12:24 AM #107
    On March 25 – Go look! – I posted a story about King Donald apparently wanting state leaders to praise him and flatter his ego before he'll grant federal assistance in fighting the spread of the coronavirus. Tonight we learn the story was 100% accurate. In King Donald's world, everything is about him. Everything!

    Trump says he's directed Pence not to call governors who aren't 'grateful' for federal aid
    WTKR, Mar 27 2020 7:37 PM

    President Donald Trump tonight bashed Governors he claims weren't "grateful" enough for federal assistance and said he's directed Vice President Mike Pence not to call such Governors unless they "treat him right." In particular, Trump called out Washington Governor Jay Inslee – calling him "a failed presidential candidate" – and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who he said "has no idea what's going on." "I say Mike, don't call the Governor of Washington. You're wasting your time with him. Don't call the woman in Michigan," Trump said. "It doesn't make any difference. You know what I say? If they don't treat you right, don't call." Whitmer responded to Trump's comments, saying, "Right now, we all need to be focused on fighting the virus, not each other."

  8. Rewind is offline
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    03-28-2020, 03:36 PM #108
    The worldwide coronavirus death toll is now 30,300. There have been 651,162 confirmed cases. The death toll is 10,023 in Italy, 5,812 in Spain, 3,295 in China, 2,517 in Iran, 2,314 in France, 1,943 in the US and 1,019 in the UK. Santa Anita race track in Arcadia, northeast of Los Angeles, has been holding races the past three weeks with no spectators allowed. Health Department officials yesterday said Santa Anita is a "non-essential business" and ordered the venue closed. Considering how many horses have died at Santa Anita in the past year, I think the track should be closed permanently.

    Italy's coronavirus death toll passes 10,000. Many are asking why the fatality rate is so high.

  9. Rewind is offline
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    03-28-2020, 09:53 PM #109
    King Donald's Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017 gave the biggest tax cuts to banks, big corporations and the wealthiest Americans. Not surprisingly, King Donald's $2 trillion stimulus bill has a provision, retroactive to 2018, that will result in millions of dollars of tax refunds for – you guessed it – some of the wealthiest Americans. Once again, King Donald and the Republicans show that they care only about themselves, the wealthy, the Donald Trump party (formerly known as the Republican party) and staying in power.

    The $2 trillion stimulus bill includes a tax break for the weathiest 1%

  10. Rewind is offline
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    03-29-2020, 12:18 AM #110
    In the United States, there have now been 123,750 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 2,227 deaths. Tonight the CDC placed New York, New Jersey and Connecticut under a 14-day travel advisory, urging residents to "refrain from non-essential domestic travel." More than half the United States' coronavirus cases are in those three states. Worldwide, there have been 663,748 confirmed cases and 30,880 deaths.

    A 3rd NYPD member dies of coronavirus after hundreds of officers test positive

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