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  1. Rewind is offline
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    Joined: Oct 2017 Location: Glendale CA Posts: 12,405
    10-08-2019, 05:34 PM #1

    Stupid human tricks

    Humans are supposedly intelligent beings – but an awful lot of them do an awful lot of really stupid things. On this thread, we – that means others besides just me – can share all the dozens of dumb deeds done by ditzy dum-dums. For starters, here is an assault in Salt Lake City:

    Man sprays smoker in face with fire extinguisher to put out cigarette: 'You can't smoke around here'
    'Mr. Extinguisher' Alex Jamison posts rambling Facebook message both apologizing and defending actions.

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    10-08-2019, 05:35 PM #2
    "You want me to pour flammable liquid on myself and light it on fire? Sure, I'll do that. It sounds fun. What could go wrong?"

    Michigan boy suffers second degree burns in 'fire challenge'

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    10-08-2019, 08:09 PM #3
    At least 263 people have died while trying to take pictures of themselves. (Did they not know what they look like?) Here is the world's first quadruple death-by-selfie:

    Four people drown at India dam after slipping into water while trying to take a selfie

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    10-09-2019, 02:15 PM #4
    When people are angry, the likelihood of their saying or doing something stupid increases dramatically. This coach is a good example – or maybe I should say bad example.

    Iowa assistant high school football coach arrested after threatening to kill referee during game

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    10-10-2019, 01:32 AM #5
    Gun owners like to say, "The majority of us are peaceful, law-abiding citizens who use our weapons only for hunting." was open season on 17-year-old boys?

    Georgia man charged after fatally shooting teen hunting partner he thought was a deer

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    10-10-2019, 09:55 PM #6
    Nix is a pitcher. Can we say he was trying to go low and inside?

    Padres prospect Jacob Nix tased, arrested after attempting to enter a house through the doggy door

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    10-14-2019, 03:08 PM #7
    "Lishen, children, I have a very bad hangover today, sho I – *hic* – need you all to be very quiet, okay?"

    Australian elementary school teacher banned after collapsing while intoxicated at school

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    10-15-2019, 05:08 PM #8
    The three women were fired and have been arrested. I assume Amazon has canceled their order for boxing gloves, brass knuckles and shuriken.

    Three employees at an assisted living facility are accused of
    encouraging elderly residents to fight one another

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    10-17-2019, 09:01 PM #9
    This dummy should have known his plan to phone in a false bomb threat would blow up in his face.

    Alabama student who called in bomb threat to LSU-Alabama game faces up to 20 years in prison

  10. Rewind is offline
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    10-21-2019, 12:12 AM #10
    Hey, would you feel comfortable committing a burglary in a home that has a toddler who needs a bath? Priorities, man! Priorities!

    Ohio woman breaks into home, tries to give 2-year-old a bath

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