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  1. Rewind is offline
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    04-14-2019, 06:57 PM #1

    The animal thread

    This thread is where we can share unusual stories about animals. I hope I won't be the only person posting here. I hope other Sirius Buzz members will participate. Unfortunately, the first two animal stories involve human fatalities. It's hard to feel sorry for this man, though:

    Poacher is trampled to death by an elephant before his remains are devoured by a pride of lions in a South African nature reserve

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    04-14-2019, 06:57 PM #2
    Cassowaries have four-inch dagger-like claws on each foot. With one kick, a cassowary can slice open the body of a predator -- or a human. This man should have kept parakeets instead.

    Florida man attacked and killed by his cassowary, the 'world’s most dangerous bird'

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    04-14-2019, 06:58 PM #3
    Llately, llamas have been llosing a llot of their popullarity.

    Agriculture census finds llamas are disappearing. What happened?
    "Once the industry got beyond the novelty and breeding aspects, the question became: what do you do with them?" one expert said.
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    04-18-2019, 01:39 AM #4
    In the late 1970s, athletes started the practice of "high-fiving." To celebrate a touchdown, a home run, a goal, a basket or some other achievement, they slap each other's upraised right hand. It's a form of bragging and it's annoying. However, it's cute when a cat does it.

    Senior cat learns how to high-five – and it helps her get adopted

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    04-20-2019, 01:23 AM #5
    The ASPCA always reminds us to be kind to our "four-legged friends." That would include this duck:

    Ever seen a duck with four legs?

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    04-20-2019, 03:01 PM #6
    Memo to zookeepers: Tigers are wild animals and should be allowed to live in the wild, not captured and confined in tiny zoo enclosures where people can gawk at them.

    Tiger attacks female trainer at Kansas Zoo

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    04-23-2019, 07:21 PM #7
    Hippos are not considered to be an endangered species – yet – but they are "threatened."

    At least 28 hippos found dead in Ethiopia's national park

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    04-23-2019, 07:43 PM #8
    I had a sip of goat's milk only once, when samples were being given out at a county fair. That one sip was one too many. It tasted awful! But goat's milk is the most popular milk worldwide and it's becoming increasingly popular in the US.

    America's new pastime? Milking goats.

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    04-30-2019, 02:20 PM #9
    The whale was wearing a harness with an attachment to hold a GoPro camera – but there was no camera. Maybe the whale fell asleep and another spy whale stole it.

    Norway finds 'Russian spy whale' off Arctic coast

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    05-02-2019, 04:46 PM #10
    He asked the driver to let him know when they're approaching the intersection of Walnut and Chestnut.

    Squirrel takes a ride on the subway in Boston

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