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  1. Rewind is offline
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    02-20-2020, 04:14 PM #311
    As long as the reign of King Donald the First continues, we can be confident that convicted criminals will always have the best political pardons money can buy.

    Family of Texas man Trump pardoned gave more than $200,000 to his reelection campaign

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    02-20-2020, 07:02 PM #312
    King Donald the First hath spoken! He sees nothing wrong with Roger Stone's obstruction, lying to Congress and witness tampering – because he does those same things himself! And, thanks to Senate Republicans, he gets away with it.

    Trump on Stone sentencing: 'I'd love to see Roger exonerated'

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    02-21-2020, 02:48 PM #313
    "2020 Congressional District Census. Do Not Destroy. Official Document." The Republican National Committee has sent out tens of thousands of these misleading mailers that have nothing to do with the census. They solicit donations to Trump's re-election campaign. They are also intended to fool people into believing it's the actual 2020 census form so when the real census form arrives, they will ignore it or throw it out. The fake mailers have been sent to states with large immigrant populations in the hope that immigrants will ignore the real census and thus will be undercounted. California, for example, could lose a seat in Congress and billions of dollars in federal funding if immigrants are undercounted. That undercount was also the intent of the Trump administration's plan to add a citizenship question to the census. The Supreme Court blocked it. All the Republicans care about is King Donald the First, their party and staying in power.

    The Republican party is sending out 'deceptive ' census forms

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    02-24-2020, 06:38 PM #314
    "Look, Vladimir Putin is my BFF, okay? All my intelligence agencies told me Russia meddled in our 2016 election but Putin said Russia didn't and I believe him. Now all the intelligence agencies are telling me Russia is meddling in the 2020 election and I refuse to believe that, too, okay? Russia didn't meddle in 2016 and Russia is not meddling in 2020. Putin wouldn't lie to me, okay? I'm not worried about election meddling, okay? I have bigger things to be concerned with, such as putting Crooked Hillary in jail and getting our coal miners back to work."

    How Russia is splintering America's democracy
    New drama from Moscow is a shady tale of secret briefings, broken trust, mysterious intelligence, improbable characters and purges of US spy chiefs.

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    02-25-2020, 03:21 PM #315
    Chris Taylor told reporters, "I don't know what went wrong." You overdosed on heroin, Chris. Come on, it's not that hard to figure out.

    Republican House candidate in Arizona suspends campaign after heroin overdose

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    02-27-2020, 12:05 AM #316
    I could add to this headline: Neither do Latinos. Or Hispanics. Or Asians. Or Native Americans. Or Puerto Ricans. Or Filipinos. Or Muslims. Or women. Or.......

    Analysis: Black Americans really, really don't like Donald Trump

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    03-07-2020, 06:34 PM #317
    Lesley Stahl's interview with King Donald's former top Russia adviser will air tomorrow night, March 8, on CBS-TV's 60 Minutes. Fiona Hill says Vladimir Putin is exploiting America's partisan divides and has us "feeling vulnerable, on edge, and he's got us questioning the legitimacy of our own systems." Of course King Donald won't say a word about this to anyone – and especially not to Putin. Он заслуживает импичмента и удалены от должности.

    Fiona Hill says Putin has America 'exactly where he wants us'

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    04-04-2020, 03:33 PM #318
    For whatever reason, King Donald the First did not issue a decree of "Off with his head!" In this case, he spouted the familiar phrase which, sooner or later, he directs at almost all of his aides, advisers and associates: "You're fired!"

    Trump fires Michael Atkinson, intelligence community watchdog who told Congress about whistleblower complaint that led to impeachment

  9. Rewind is offline
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    05-10-2020, 06:45 PM #319
    In Trumpworld, the Attorney General and the Department of Justice exist to serve King Donald the First rather than the American people. Former national security adviser Michael Flynn on two occasions admitted lying to the FBI – a federal crime – but William Barr decided to drop all charges against him. Letter from Michael Kranther of Los Angeles in today's Los Angeles Times:

    "What President Trump did after the Justice Department dropped charges against Flynn was utterly unbelievable. He said he called Russian President Vladimir Putin to celebrate the reversal of his conviction and talk about 'the Russia hoax, this absolute dishonest hoax.' The US intelligence apparatus has conclusively determined that Russia interfered in the 2016 Presidential election campaign. It believes Russia continues with such meddling. However, our own President would rather believe Putin's lies. Trump's actions and his words say the same thing. He has no faith in the American political system with the three co-equal branches of government and the balance of power. He wants to be a despot, like Putin. He does not deserve one single vote."

    Yes, King Donald aspires to be a despot just like his BFF Vladimir. Грустно но верно.

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    05-11-2020, 05:24 PM #320
    The odds of Barr resigning are probably a billion to one. Even if he did resign, King Donald the First would not accept the resignation. In the Kingdom of Trumpworld, loyalty to the king is always rewarded.

    2,000 former DOJ, FBI officials call on Barr to resign over Michael Flynn case
    NBC News, May 11 2020 3:30 PM

    Nearly 2,000 former Justice Department and FBI officials today*signed an open letter*strongly critical of Attorney General William Barr's decision to abandon the prosecution of Michael Flynn, calling the action "extraordinarily rare, if not unprecedented." If anyone else who is not a friend of the president "were to lie to federal investigators in the course of a properly predicated counterintelligence investigation, and admit we did so under oath, we could be prosecuted," the letter said. The letter calls on Barr to resign and encourages Congress to formally censure Barr over "his repeated assaults on the rule of law in doing the President’s personal bidding rather than acting in the public interest."