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  1. dm_4 is offline
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    Joined: Dec 2012 Location: Boston, Ma Posts: 3,029
    12-25-2018, 04:22 AM #1

    Sirius XM JANUARY - MARCH 2019 $$$$ SIRI $$$$ a quick recap. SIRI sp hit a high mid June of $7.70. Fast forward 6 months, today the sp closed at $5.51, well over a $2 plus move to the south side. If I was still invested in this stock I would be fuming right now. Luckily I am not.

    Seems the pain may not be over...quick look shows SIRI could not hold the double bottom.

    I really have not been keeping up SIRI like I use to years ago. So I have no idea about Stern coming or going, etc. I see SIRI/P merger vote is slated for late January 2019. Shorts may be in control until then. I will be looking to pick up shares between now and then.

    Merry Christmas and God bless everyone.

    Patriots clinch AFC East for 10th straight season with win over Bills.

  2. dm_4 is offline
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    01-01-2019, 11:18 AM #2
    Happy New Year Everyone!!

  3. Rewind is offline
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    01-01-2019, 04:36 PM #3
    CNN business reporter David Goldman foresees continued volatility in the stock market because of slower earnings growth, fears of a global economic slowdown, Brexit, the political dysfunction in Washington DC, the trade war with China and other factors. On the bright side, SIRI stock is earning a whopping 1¢-per-share dividend! (No, I did not make a New Year's resolution to be less sarcastic. Do you think I should? Don't answer that.)

    The 3 biggest risks to stocks in 2019

  4. Rewind is offline
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    01-08-2019, 02:55 AM #4
    Amazon shares rose 3% today to $1,629.51. For the first time in its 24½-year history, Amazon now has the highest market value of any US company: $797 billion. I wonder if it will someday reach a valuation of one trillion dollars. Any predictions? On a less impressive note, SIRI was up 5¢ today to $6.22.

    Amazon surpasses Microsoft as most valuable US company

  5. Rewind is offline
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    01-12-2019, 06:13 PM #5
    MasterOfPuppets posted his scam smartphone ad (disguised as a news story) on eight different threads, including this one. Ignore it. Do not click on it. Meanwhile, here is some real news:

    US government shutdown now longest ever. Will it affect stock market?, Jan 12 2019

    President Donald Trump has been vocal about his intent to fund his desired border wall through Congress, extending the partial government shutdown into its 22nd day to make it the longest in history. What kind of impact, if any, could it have on the stock market in the short-term? Hundreds of thousands of federal workers in the US government have missed their first paycheck. Some prison guards have started to drive Uber to cover day-to-day bills and many took the streets to protest against the shutdown. Trump seems to be willing to extend the shutdown for as long as needed to fund the border wall without declaring a national emergency.

    Technically, Trump could reallocate the funds from military construction to finance the border wall and several Republican Senators including Lindsey Graham encouraged Trump to declare a national emergency to build the wall. Others have suggested that the call for a national emergency could enrage many members in both the Republican and Democratic party and could establish a precedent for future Democratic Presidents.

    With Trump outspoken on his plans to work with Congress rather than to bypass it by declaring a national emergency, the partial shutdown of the US government is expected to extend throughout January. Currently, the performance of the US stock market is mainly based on three factors that include the Federal Reserve interest rate, earnings reports of major US conglomerates and the trade war between the U.S. and China.

    While the missing paychecks of hundreds of thousands of federal employees could certainly have an impact on a big portion of households in the US, it is insufficient to have any meaningful impact on the performance of the stock market. As Adam Funds CEO Mark Stoeckle said: "Events like a government shutdown are just part of the growing noise coming out of Washington that investors should ignore." In the short term, depending on the earnings revision breadth or the revised earnings of companies, the stock market could recover or experience another phase of volatility. Analysts remain cautious in giving an all-clear sign to investors because there are many variables that could shake up the markets in the weeks to come.

  6. Rewind is offline
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    01-15-2019, 06:42 PM #6
    I'm not convinced a recession is something that can be "embraced" -- but here is the dire prediction:

    Morgan Stanley: Another market storm is coming
    CNN Business, Jan 15 2019 11:43 AM

    Enjoy the market calm for now. Morgan Stanley thinks another storm is coming. The S&P 500 will soon suffer a retest of the lows from Christmas Eve because of shrinking earnings estimates and mounting economic concerns, the investment bank warned in a Monday report titled "Don't fear a potential recession; Embrace it." "Should the hard data deteriorate further, as we expect, we think the market will quickly return to pricing in a recession and rate cuts," wrote Michael Wilson, Morgan Stanley's chief US equity strategist. Wilson was among the few on Wall Street who correctly predicted the recent market downturn, though even he was surprised by how quickly it happened.

  7. Nazareth is offline
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    01-25-2019, 10:47 PM #7
    Sirius upgrade to $8:00
    Let’s go already
    Last edited by Nazareth; 02-01-2019 at 09:49 AM.

  8. bdp. is offline
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    02-01-2019, 10:16 AM #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Nazareth View Post
    Sirius upgrade to $8:00
    Let’s go already
    Sirius downgrade to $7. The usual all over the map crazy making shit!

  9. bdp. is offline
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    02-01-2019, 10:21 AM #9
    Interesting to see Siri down 30% after P deal closing but the sp remaining the same.

  10. SlapShot27 is offline
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    02-06-2019, 11:25 AM #10
    On NASDAQ webpage- SIRI "Institutional Holdings" section. Institutional Ownership jumps from 17.84% (Jan 30, 2019) to 25.04% (today)... Interesting...

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