The gunman texted a girl in Germany and said he had shot his grandmother and was going to shoot up an elementary school. I guess she did not see the text until after the shooting.
The gunman texted a girl in Germany and said he had shot his grandmother and was going to shoot up an elementary school. I guess she did not see the text until after the shooting.
Kids were calling 911 while police waited outside the door. Many lives could have been saved if they had acted sooner.
1 dead, 7 injured in shooting in Oklahoma.
4 killed in at a hospital in Tulsa, 233rd mass shooting so far this year.
Biden wants a ban on assault weapons. Retrumplicans are opposed. Biden wants stronger background checks for gun purchases. Retrumplicans are opposed. Biden wants to raise the minimum age to buy a gun to 21. Retrumplicans are opposed. Biden wants to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. Retrumplicans are opposed. Biden wants to allow lawsuits against gun manufacturers whose weapons are used in mass shootings. Retrumplicans are opposed. Keep this in mind when you go to the polls in November 2022 and November 2024,
'Enough': Biden exhorts Congress to pass gun control laws
Congress banned assault weapons in 1994. The ban expired in 2004 and there is not much evidence that the ban had any effect on the number of mass shootings.
1 dead, 8 injured in Phoenix shooting. These shootings happen every day now. It is getting worse.
Mass shootings today in Philadelphia and Chattanooga. 6 dead, 25 wounded.
1 dead, 7 injured in a drive-by shooting at a graduation party. No place is safe anymore.
Last month an 18-year-old with an assault rifle killed 10 people at a market in Buffalo and an 18-year-old with an assault rifle killed 21 people at an elementary school in Uvalde. In 2018, Congress raised the minimum age for tobacco purchases from 18 to 21 but Retrumplicans are opposed to raising the minimum age for purchases of assault weapons. Apparently they believe it is bad for teenagers to smoke cigarettes but it is acceptable for teenagers to gun down shoppers and schoolchildren. We need to remember this when we go to the polls in November 2022 and November 2024.
Banning teenagers from buying AR-15s runs into wall of GOP resistance