Today the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 602 points, a drop of 2.32%. Nasdaq lost 2.78% and the S&P lost 1.97%. The losses are the fault of the Democrats -- Trump said so.
Trump makes baseless claim that the stock market is plunging because of the prospect of Democrats investigating him
Business Insider, Nov 12 2018
President Donald Trump attempted to link the possibility that House Democrats could investigate him to a recent downturn in stocks. "The prospect of Presidential Harassment by the Dems is causing the Stock Market big headaches!" Trump tweeted today. After taking back the House in the midterm elections, Democrats could now look into the president's tax returns — and with them his finances and potential conflicts of interest. But while the investigations are a real possibility, most market analysts attribute the recent decline to weak guidance by major companies and fears over trade war escalation — not the midterm results.