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  1. Rewind is offline
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    06-20-2018, 01:34 PM #11
    Will wonders never cease! With so many members of his own party turning against him, Trump knew he had to take action.

    Amid backlash, Trump to sign executive order ending his family separation policy

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    06-20-2018, 03:44 PM #12
    The Los Angeles Times calls today's executive order a "rare retreat" for President Trump. Indeed.

    Amid national furor, Trump orders an end to his family separation policy

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    06-20-2018, 10:44 PM #13
    Evan Siegfried is an author, Republican strategist, political commentator and president of a a public-affairs consultancy. His essays have appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, Business Insider and other publications. Here are excerpts from his editorial condemning the "ugliness" and "immorality" of the Trump administration. Trump has praised white supremacists, neo-Nazis and dictators such as Putin, Kim, Duterte, Erdogan and al-Sisi -- and he has denounced Muslims, Mexicans, judges, senators and Gold Star families. The complete essay is linked below.

    Trump's executive order may end child separation but it doesn't relieve him of responsibility for starting it

    As immeasurable as the damage inflicted upon migrant children is — experts believe that the trauma will likely inflict decades of emotional damage — we are missing the root problem: This policy was the result of the complete immorality plaguing the Trump administration and, by extension, the United States.

    Children have been separated from their parents when they enter the United States together through non-official points of entry and the parents are criminally charged. Not only was it a fiscally irresponsible decision — costing taxpayers $750 a day per child, nearly three times the cost of keeping the families together — it was morally wrong and revealed a stain on the soul of America.

    Prior Presidents, be they Republican or Democrat, would routinely denounce human rights violations and call out immorality across the globe. It showed leadership and made the United States a beacon of freedom that was the envy of the world. Oppressed people would hold us up as the paragon and apotheosis of virtue. Trump has surrendered that.

    The crying children torn from their parents weren't just another item on an ever-increasing list of moral transgressions by Trump and his administration, they are a distinctly different action. These children are innocents — innocents who are being subjected to the naked cruelty of a policy lacking the morality and compassion that makes America great. They became the face of everything that is morally wrong with the Trump presidency.

    Almost a year and a half into his administration, Americans are now routinely asking their President the question, "Have you no decency, sir?" But now it's clear: That is a rhetorical question.

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    06-21-2018, 04:52 PM #14
    The bill that was defeated today would have authorized funding for a border wall but would not have provided a pathway to citizenship for immigrants who are in the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program. A border wall would not "make America great again." Denying citizenship to people who were brought here as children will not "make America great again" either. As I've said many times, MAGA is just a goofy slogan on a goofy cap, nothing more.

    House rejects conservative immigration bill, delays vote on GOP compromise measure
    The vote on the compromise bill was postponed to Friday amid member confusion about its content.

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    06-21-2018, 05:51 PM #15
    Trump finally ended his own order that separated immigrant children from their parents. Yeah, he's all heart, isn't he? Now he'll keep families prison. Entering the United States illegally is a misdemeanor, not a felony. These people should be arraigned and ordered to appear at a hearing. They should not be put in prison. The 1997 Flores Settlement Agreement imposed a 20-day limit on detention of immigrant families. Trump -- he's all heart, isn't he? -- wants to remove that limit.

    DOJ asks judge to remove 20-day limit on detaining immigrant families

    Flores Agreement:

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    06-21-2018, 07:08 PM #16
    While Trump continues to blame Democrats for his own inhumane policies, the House Republicans are acting with their usual inaction.

    House postpones immigration vote until next week

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    06-22-2018, 01:24 PM #17
    Trump said two days ago he would support the House Republicans "1,000%" -- he obviously isn't good at math -- but today he's asking them to postpone the immigration bill vote until after the November elections. He also accused Democrats of telling "phony stories of sadness and grief." Yeah, Trump is all heart, isn't he?

    Trump betrays House Republicans on immigration

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    06-22-2018, 10:33 PM #18
    When Bud Abbott explained, "Who's on first, What's on second and I Don't Know is on third," Lou Costello could never understand: "Who is on first?" "Who." "The guy playing first." "Who." "That's what I want to find out." Just think how confused Lou would be if he tried to figure out where all the immigrant parents are and where all their children are. Our own government doesn't even seem to know!

    Reuniting familues who were separated at the border could take months, federal officials warn

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    06-24-2018, 12:53 PM #19
    Yes sir, that Donald Trump is all heart, isn't he?

    Trump administration calls for expanded use of immigrant family detention

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    06-24-2018, 01:12 PM #20
    Alec Baldwin, Alfre Woodard, Martin Sheen, LeVar Burton, 44 members of the Kennedy family and many other actors and lawmakers are joining thousands of Americans taking part in a hunger strike to protest Trump's "zero tolerance" immigration policy and to demand the reuniting of families who have been separated. Officials say only 500 of 2,400 children have been reunited with their parents.

    Maryland Democratic Representative Elijah Cummings said today the separations are "child abuse" that will harm the children "for the rest of their lives." Trump and the Republicans do not care.

    Rep. Elijah Cummings blasts the Trump administration for creating a 'false crisis' at the border

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