Globally, the hottest year on record is 2016. The hottest day on record is July 3, 2023.
July 3: Earth experiences hottest day on record
Globally, the hottest year on record is 2016. The hottest day on record is July 3, 2023.
July 3: Earth experiences hottest day on record
The hottest day on record is no longer July 3, 2023. It's July 4, 2023 – and the next few weeks could be even hotter.
'Unprecedented and terrifying': World sets all-time high temperature record 2 days in a row
Dr. Kevin Foster says the Arizona Burn Center has been treating many children and elderly people who suffered third-degree burns after falling on asphalt and not getting up quickly. On extremely hot days, asphalt can reach a temperature of 180°.
Temperatures reach 110° for record 25th straight day in Phoenix as summer swelter continues
Yesterday the World Meteorological Organization announced that July 2023 is on track to be the hottest month ever recorded. Based on millennia of climate data extracted from tree rings, coral reefs and deep sea sediment cores, July 2023 is the hottest month of the past 120,000 years. Retrumplicans, of course, continue to deny global warming. Now let's keep making gas-burning cars and let's get those coal miners back to work!
'It’s called summer': GOP brushes off record heat wave
Phoenix has had 31 consecutive days of temperatures of 110° or higher. The record-setting streak should end today. The predicted high is 102°.
July keeps sizzling as Phoenix has another 110-degree day and wildfires spread in California
The residents of Phoenix likely reacted to this news by exclaiming, "Duh!"
July was world’s hottest month on record, climate scientists confirm
Global average temperature exceeded previous record by substantial margin.
David Martin Davies, host of two news-talk programs on KSTX in San Antonio, observes, "The evidence that the planet is getting hotter is undeniable but that’s not stopping the deniers. They say the climate is always changing so the current warming trend must be natural. They also say the current warming trend is not caused by humans but by natural factors such as solar activity or volcanoes. They assert that the effects of climate change are not as bad as they are made out to be. They refuse to admit that the rate of climate change is much faster than it has been in the past. We are seeing more extreme weather events such as heat waves, droughts, floods and wildfires. Glaciers are melting and sea levels are rising."
NASA declares summer 2023 the hottest on record
"Good morning, everyone. This is KRLD in Dallas. It's the first day of summer in the year 2049. Today's predicted temperature is 98. That's not the high. That's the low."
Middle America will soon be too hot to live in, scientists predict
Greenland's melting ice will cause a 10- to 12-inch rise in ocean levels by 2050 and a quintuple increase in the number of destructive floods.
North Greenland ice shelves have lost 35% of their volume, with 'dramatic consequences' for sea level rise, study says
In the United States, 2023 was the fifth-hottest year on record. The seven warmest years in the U.S. have all occurred since 2012.
2023 confirmed as world's hottest year on record