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  1. Rewind is offline
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    12-12-2019, 07:26 PM #121
    Emperor Trump, same as all the dictators who have preceded him, relentlessly attacks the news media and seeks to silence his critics.

    Fox News host lambastes Trump for assault on press freedom
    Newsmax, Dec 12 2019 12:27 PM

    Fox News host Chris Wallace lambasted President Donald Trump in a speech Wednesday at the Newseum, a Washington DC interactive gallery devoted to the media, in Washington. "I believe President Trump is engaged in the most direct sustained assault on freedom of the press in our history," Wallace, the host of Fox News Sunday, said to applause. "He has done everything he can to undercut the media, to try to delegitimize us, and I think his purpose is clear: to raise doubts when we report critically about him and his administration that we can be trusted. Back in 2017, he tweeted something that said far more about him than it did about us: 'The fake news media is not my enemy. It is the enemy of the American people.'" In his speech, Wallace noted that retired Navy Admiral Bill McRaven, a SEAL for 37 years, once said that Trump's "sentiment may be the greatest threat to democracy in my lifetime" because it undermined the U.S. Constitution.

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    12-14-2019, 09:02 PM #122
    Another Fox News host who insults and demeans women. Why am I not surprised?

    Fox News' Jesse Watters sparked a wave of backlash after he claimed female journalists trade sex for scoops 'all the time'

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    12-16-2019, 01:08 AM #123
    Emperor Trump, who has a galaxy-sized ego, is upset that Fox News is not "All Trump, all the time." How dare they interview anyone besides him! In a tweet, the orange-skinned Insulter-In-Chief called Schiff "corrupt" and "shifty" and called Comey a "totally discredited sleazebag." He also said the recent Democratic debates "failed." What does he mean? Who knows. In Trumpworld, almost nothing makes any sense.

    Trump rails against Fox News for planning interviews with Adam Schiff, James Comey

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    12-16-2019, 11:01 PM #124
    One reason racist, bigoted, immigrant-hating Emperor Trump loves the Fox News Channel is because many of their program hosts are also racist, bigoted immigrant-haters. They are glad to do all they can to help Trump implement his "Make America Hate Again" and "Make America White Again" programs and policies.

    Conservancy group rebukes Fox News' Tucker Carlson for 'false and bigoted' claim that immigrants make Potomac River 'dirtier'

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    01-16-2020, 04:23 PM #125
    In 1924, The Chicago Tribune bought radio station WDAP and renamed it WGN after its slogan "World's Greatest Newspaper." WGN-TV Channel 9 went on the air in 1948 and the cable channel WGN America launched in 1978.

    WGN America to launch prime-time newscast, News Nation
    Owner Nexstar will take on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC with national program.

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    02-13-2020, 08:37 PM #126
    The McClatchy publishing empire began in 1857 with the Daily Bee, a Sacramento newspaper founded by John Rollin Ridge. On the paper's fifth day of publication, James McClatchy became editor. He had previously worked as a reporter for the New York Tribune and five newspapers in California. Today the McClatchy Company owns 30 daily newspapers in 14 states, including the Miami Herald, Fresno Bee, Modesto Bee, Sacramento Bee, Idaho Statesman, Charlotte Observer, Kansas City Star and Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

    Newspaper chain McClatchy files for bankruptcy protection

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    03-27-2020, 06:36 PM #127
    Trish Regan is gone from Fox. Now they need to also get rid of Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham, who have made similar outrageous comments. Coronavirus is a health issue, not a political issue.

    Fox Business parts ways with Trish Regan, host who dismissed coronavirus as 'impeachment scam'

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    04-02-2020, 01:21 PM #128
    King Donald the First has spewed dozens of false and misleading statements about the coronavirus. He gets his (mis)information from Fox News, a.k.a. the Trump Cheerleading Channel.

    Professors, journalists call out Fox News' coronavirus misinformation in scathing letter
    The letter accuses the widely watched conservative network of contributing "to the spread of a grave pandemic."

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    01-20-2021, 11:55 PM #129
    For the past five years, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Lou Dobbs, Laura Ingraham and other Fox News hosts have been cheerleaders for Donald Trump, reporting his lies and conspiracy theories as though they were facts. Shep Smith was part of the network from its launch in 1996 until October 11, 2019 – when he could no longer tolerate his co-workers' lack of integrity and resigned on the air. On his final broadcast, he declared, "Facts will win the day.” Unfortunately, the Fox News hosts have continued to spread lies and conspiracy theories.

    Shep Smith breaks his silence about why he left Fox News
    CNN, Jan 20 2021 11:17 AM ET

    Shep Smith, who left Fox News in October 2019 while in the middle of a three-year contract, has remained largely silent about his departure – until an interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour that aired Tuesday. Smith, now host of the nightly show The News With Shepard Smith at 7 PM ET on CNBC, told Amanpour that his presence on Fox became untenable as opinion shows on the network spread falsehoods that hosts knew were lies. "Opine all you like, but if you're going to opine, begin with the truth and opine from there," Smith said. "When people begin with a false premise and lead people astray, that's injurious to society and it's the antithesis of what we should be doing.":

    Smith said he continues to be disturbed by what is reported on Fox. "I don't know how some people sleep at night," he said of the Fox News employees who knowingly spread falsehoods. "I know there are a lot of people who have propagated the lies and who have pushed them forward over and over again who are smart enough and educated enough to know better."

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    01-21-2021, 01:37 AM #130
    Tucker Carlson is upset that Biden is opposed to white supremacists.

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