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  1. Rewind is offline
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    05-06-2019, 01:45 PM #101
    O'Donnell, a graduate of Georgetown University, joined CBS in 2011 after 11 years at NBC/MSNBC. She exits CBS This Morning to replace Jeff Glor on the evening news program.

    Norah O'Donnell will anchor CBS Evening News, which is moving to Washington

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    05-20-2019, 09:15 PM #102
    The video asked, "How true is the Holocaust?" I'm asking, "How ignorant are these journalists?" !זה מביש

    Al Jazeera suspends two journalists over video claiming Jews 'exploited the Holocaust' for personal gain

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    06-01-2019, 02:02 PM #103
    Donald Trump is a white supremacist who believes conspiracy theorists and defends neo-Nazis as "very fine people." He loves the Fox News channel. Not surprisingly, many of the Fox News hosts are also white supremacists who believe conspiracy theorists and defend extremists. Sieg Heil!

    Fox News stands by Laura Ingraham after she defends white supremacist, other extremists on her prime-time show

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    06-24-2019, 03:58 PM #104
    Banning reporters with whom he disagrees. Gee, where have I heard that before?

    Knicks fined $50,000 for banning New York Daily News from press conference

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    07-13-2019, 10:08 PM #105
    "I'm innocent – but I'm fleeing to Portugal where you can't touch me." Fox News, a.k.a. the Trump Cheerleading Channel, has certainly had its share of scandals, sleazeballs and sexual abusers: Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling, Ed Henry, Brian Lewis, Clayton Morris. No wonder it's Donald Trump's favorite channel – he identifies with them all.

    Ex-Fox & Friends co-host Clayton Morris leaves country amid fraud allegations, lawsuits

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    08-18-2019, 09:05 PM #106
    Emperor Trump has complained for years about what he refers to as the "failing" New York Times and its "fake news," "made-up stories" and "dishonest reporters." Now he says the newspaper has "zero credibility" – and yet he seemingly wants their endorsement. Welcome to Trumpworld.

    Donald J. Trump
    The New York Times will be out of business soon after I leave office, hopefully in 6 years. They have Zero credibility and are losing a fortune, even now, especially after their massive unfunded liability. I’m fairly certain they’ll endorse me just to keep it all going!
    4:57 PM · Aug 18, 2019

    As for Trump's allegations, they're false. That shouldn't surprise anyone. On February 6, Fortune reported:

    'Failing' New York Times hits 13-year high as subscriptions soar

    And why is Trump, who claims to want to "Make America Great Again," rooting for an American newspaper to fail? Welcome to Trumpworld.

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    08-19-2019, 03:36 PM #107
    The most vain, pompous, egotistical, narcissistic buffoon who has ever lived refuses to accept that his approval rating has consistently been between 40 and 45%. (Republicans likely account for 99.9% of that "approval.") "The polls are fake," he declares. "Everybody loves me!" Emperor Trump constantly attacks the news media, with the exception of Fox News, as "fake" and reporters as "dishonest." Now he's begun criticizing Fox News. How dare they say his approval rating is anything less than 100%!

    Donald Trump's latest conspiracy target? Fox News.

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    08-21-2019, 12:01 AM #108
    Tucker Carlson made offensive comments about immigrants. He lost several adverisers. Tucker Carlson made offensive comments about women. He lost several more advertisers. After the El Paso massacre, Tucker Carlson said white supremacism is "not a real problem" and is more like a conspracy theory. Now he's.......well, you know.

    Tucker Carlson's Fox News show loses more advertisers

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    08-22-2019, 01:49 PM #109
    As White House press secretary, Sanders told lies for Donald Trump, praised him, defended him and never – ever – criticized him. She will be a perfect fit at Fox News.

    Sarah Huckabee Sanders will join Fox News as contributor

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    08-29-2019, 05:52 PM #110
    If Fox News, a.k.a. the Trump Cheerleading Channel, is striving to eliminate whatever credibility it still has, it's certainly doing a good job.

    Fox News host Jeanine Pirro accuses Democrats of vast plot to 'replace American citizens with illegals'

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