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  1. Rewind is offline
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    11-28-2017, 02:04 PM #21
    The Republicans have come up with yet another way to screw the middle class:

    Senators eye automatic tax hikes if revenue falls short

  2. Rewind is offline
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    11-28-2017, 11:00 PM #22
    Today, the Senate Budget Panel's vote on the GOP tax plan was interrupted by protesters who chanted "Shame! Shame! Shame!" and "Kill the bill!" and spoke of how the bill would harm the poor and the sick and the middle class. Thirty-six protesters were arrested. All 12 Republicans voted "yes" because they care only about the wealthiest Americans. All 11 Democrats voted "no." The bill now heads to the full Senate.

    Trump brags about the "progress" being made on the tax bill but of course he won't say anything about the protests. Trump, like all the other Republicans, does not care about the middle class. MSNBC has been showing today's protest in its entirety. It is also online:

  3. Penguin is offline
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    11-28-2017, 11:50 PM #23
    I saw that protest on the news. Except for one man telling security officers to remove the protesters, all the senators just pretended to ignore them. I'm sorry the protesters got arrested. It doesn't say much about freedom of speech and the right to protest.

  4. Rewind is offline
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    11-30-2017, 12:02 AM #24
    NPR fact-checked all the claims made by Trump today during a speech in St. Charles. Among them: "The GOP tax plan is primarily aimed at workers on the lower rungs of the income ladder" and "The GOP tax plan is hard on rich people, like President Trump." Of course we all know "Trump" and "facts" never go together. Here is an excerpt from the NPR story:

    "By 2027, 90 percent of the total tax savings go to people making more than $154,900 (the top 20 percent of earners) and nearly 62 percent go to the top 1 percent — people making more than $912,100."

    Remember, Republicans do not care about the middle class. They care only about the big corporations, the banking industry and the wealthiest Americans (which includes themselves).

    FACT CHECK: President Trump's tax speech in Missouri

  5. Rewind is offline
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    11-30-2017, 12:12 AM #25
    Trump wrongly says he won’t benefit from GOP tax plan
    NBC News, Nov 29 2017 5:55 PM ET

    President Donald Trump made another sales pitch for his tax plan in Missouri on Wednesday, repeating his erroneous claim that the Republican bill, if passed, would cost him and other rich Americans a fortune. "This is going to cost me a fortune, believe me," Trump told an enthusiastic crowd in St. Charles, just outside St. Louis. "This is not good for me." He added that his "very wealthy friends" were "not so happy with me” when it came to the bill, but he pressed Senate Republicans to pass it this week anyway.

    In fact, Trump and his family could save more than $1 billion under the House tax plan that passed two weeks ago, according to an NBC News analysis. And under the Senate plan, the wealthiest Americans, like Trump, would get nearly 62 percent of all of its benefits by 2027, while two-thirds of middle-class Americans would face a tax increase, according to the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan think tank in Washington.

    Meanwhile, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, the poorest Americans would be worse off under the Senate tax plan, because they would no longer receive tax credits under the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate, which the bill would eliminate.

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    12-01-2017, 12:12 AM #26
    What I understand is that the tax cuts for the middle class are temporary and the tax cuts for the big corporations are permanent. Why can't they just cut taxes for the middle class and leave the other taxes right where they are? That would help the greatest number of people.

  7. Rewind is offline
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    12-01-2017, 01:56 AM #27
    I think a big part of the reason Republicans want to cut taxes for the big corporations is because they're expecting when they run for re-election, the CEOs will donate huge amounts of money to their campaigns. Middle-class voters, if they donate to a campaign at all, may give only 10 or 20 dollars. Big corporations will give many thousands of dollars.

  8. Rewind is offline
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    12-02-2017, 01:44 PM #28
    Not one Democrat voted for this tax plan but the Republicans had just enough votes to ensure that the wealthiest Americans and the big corporations will get huge tax cuts. Nancy Pelosi said the plan is "a betrayal of the American middle class." Indeed it is.

    Senate passes tax reform bill. Here's how it affects you.

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    12-02-2017, 10:10 PM #29
    Oscar-winning actress Patricia Arquette tweeted this observation about the GOP tax plan: "A billionaire's child can inherit everything without paying taxes but a nurses's child inheriting a $40,000 retirement plan will be taxed. OK!"

    Arquette shouldn't be surprised. Trump and the Republicans do not care about the middle class. They care about millionaires, billionaires, banks, oil companies, insurance companies, big corporations.......and themselves.

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    12-03-2017, 03:05 PM #30
    Further proof -- as if we needed any -- that Republicans care only about the wealthy and not the middle class:

    Senator Marco Rubio tells a secret: After giving a tax cut to the rich, GOP will cut Social Security and Medicare

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