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  1. Rewind is offline
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    10-24-2017, 12:57 AM #1

    The 2020 Presidential race

    On his 1,063rd day in office, President Bill Clinton formed a re-election committee and registered it with the Federal Election Commission. Ronald Reagan formed a re-election committee on his 1,001st day in office. Donald Trump formed a re-election committee on his first day in office! Delusions of grandeur, Donald? A little bit premature there, Donald?

    Among the Democrats rumored to be considering running in 2020 are Gavin Newsom, Al Franken and Elizabeth Warren. Tim Kaine, Oprah Winfrey and Michelle Obama have all ruled out a Presidential bid. Bernie Sanders will likely run again as an Independent.

    I know I'm not the only one here with strong political beliefs and opinions. I'm hoping that other SiriusBuzz members will take part in this discussion. Otherwise, this will not be a discussion. Who do you like? Who do you dislike? Who do you think should run for President, and why? 2020 is not that far off.
    Last edited by Rewind; 04-10-2018 at 01:32 AM.

  2. Rewind is offline
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    10-24-2017, 01:02 AM #2
    Well, stranger things have happened.....

    Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban may run for President as a Republican in 2020

  3. Rewind is offline
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    10-27-2017, 08:58 PM #3
    A Joe Biden presidential run in 2020 might still happen
    Veuer, Oct 26 2017 10:59 AM

    Former Vice President Joe Biden says he is not ruling out a presidential run in 2020. In a recent interview with Vanity Fair, Biden talked about his new book Promise Me, Dad and opened up about how grieving his son's tragic death ultimately kept him from a 2016 run. In spite of the tragedy, Biden might still be looking forward to the White House. He said "I haven’t decided to run, but I’ve decided I’m not going to decide not to run."

  4. Penguin is offline
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    11-03-2017, 09:14 PM #4
    People are saying Hillary rigged the nominations so she would get nominated instead of Bernie Sanders. I don't know how she could have done that. Anyway, I hope Bernie runs again in 2020. I think he would have a much better chance now.

  5. Rewind is offline
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    11-05-2017, 05:50 PM #5
    Speaking of "rigging".......

    DNC Chairman Tom Perez vows fair nomination process in 2020 after uproar
    Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile accused the committee of rigging the process to aid Hillary Clinton in 2016.

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    11-12-2017, 02:34 PM #6
    New York Governor Andrew Cuomo headed to California for fundraising. A sign of presidential ambitions?

  7. Rewind is offline
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    11-13-2017, 12:16 AM #7
    I imagine John Kasich and Marco Rubio will run again. I wonder if Mike Pence would resign the Vice Presidency so he could run? In American politics lately, anything is possible.

    Joe Biden says he's open to running for President if 'no one steps up'

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    11-25-2017, 03:03 PM #8
    I can't tell if Salon writer George Rosza is serious or satirical here. Probably both. He does make some good points, though.

    Here's your leftover turkey: The case for Hillary Clinton 2020

  9. Penguin is offline
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    11-26-2017, 01:01 AM #9
    I don't think Hillary will run again. I think the candidates will be Bernie Sanders and John Kasich. Maybe Rick Perry. Marco Rubio might run again too but I don't think he would have any chance of winning. Has anyone announced plans to run or is it still too early?

  10. Rewind is offline
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    11-26-2017, 03:38 PM #10
    Oh boy, the fun and thrills and excitement have begun!

    Race for 2020 Democratic nomination already getting started in New Hampshire

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