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  1. Rewind is offline
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    10-22-2017, 01:39 AM #1

    Get ready for quantum computers

    Hartmut Neven is a computer scientist who has led several groundbreaking developments for Google, including Google Glass and image-recognition software. Well, okay, Google Glass turned out to be somewhat of a failure.....but I digress.

    Neven believes the concept of quantum mechanics supports the theory of parallel universes or "multiverses." Yes, multiversres are common in Marvel comic books but Neven hopes to prove they really exist.

    Neven is spearheading Google's effort to build the world's first "quantum computer." Google hopes to be able to demonstrate it in 2018. Other companies, including IBM and Microsoft, are also trying to build such a computer. Here are the details -- and you'll learn new words such as "qubit" and "novemvigintillion."

    How Google's quantum computer could change the world

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    10-27-2017, 06:38 PM #2
    A new Information Week article analyzes the good and the bad about quantum computers. They're much faster but they could also make it easier for hackers to steal passwords.

    Quantum computing brings promise and threats

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    06-25-2018, 01:46 AM #3
    Quantum computers are old news now. The newest computer is the Micro Mote, which measures 0.3 millimeter by 0.3 millimeter. Unfortunately it loses all its data when it's turned off. If you want one, I suggest buying several thousand because you know you'll wind up losing or misplacing a lot of them.

    World's smallest computer invented by researchers at University of Michigan

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    09-01-2018, 06:12 PM #4
    Triumfant Security CEO John Prisco, who doesn't know how to spell "triumphant," just wrote an article for The Next Web to explain why the US needs to be the world's leader in quantum computing. He also reveals the huge security risk of quantum computers: They can quickly and easily decrypt encrypted data and access bank records and other personal data. Uh-oh!

    Analysis: The quantum computer race the US can't afford to lose

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    03-22-2019, 09:30 PM #5
    This $500,000,000 computer can perform one quintillion calculations per second -- but I won't get one right away. I'll wait until the price comes down a little.

    New 'Aurora' supercomputer is poised to be fastest in US history
    The powerful device could help researchers model climate change or discover new cancer drugs.

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    03-08-2020, 08:48 PM #6
    Mark Honeywell founded the Honeywell Heating Specialty Company in 1906 in Wabash, Indiana. Following several mergers, takeovers and acquisitions, Honeywell now manufacturers smoke detectors, air purifiers, water purifiers, alarm systems, barcode readers, turbochargers, avionics systems and dozens of other products – and now, a quantum computer than is infintely faster and more powerful than the ones being developed by IBM and Google. My head is spinning.

    Honeywell is rolling out a supercomputer to take on Google and IBM