Can anyone shed some light on these Liberty tracking stocks? Are they using the shares that they own for these stocks? Will this effect the siri stock price? Thoughts?
Can anyone shed some light on these Liberty tracking stocks? Are they using the shares that they own for these stocks? Will this effect the siri stock price? Thoughts?
Looks like nobody has any idea what`s going to happen with SIRI, GS
What happens to the other shareholders after Liberty owns most of the company?
Liberty Media CEO on Growing SiriusXM Stake: "Time Is on Our Side"
Maffei also wasn't shy about stating his ultimate goal concerning Sirius XM, of which Liberty owns 62 percent of today.
"Time is on our side," he said. "I believe we're likely to be the 100 percent owners at some reasonable price."
Thanks for the link Brandon! Appreciate it. Good to know. You can listen to the earnings call here.
Thinking about picking up some LMCA next week, since the tracking stock comes out in April and there is still a discount to the NAV. Always good to have a stake in both sides of Sirius ownership - SIRI and LMCA. Then when LMCA spins the trackers, have a portion in Liberty SiriusXM. I figure maybe throwing a small amount into the tracker to go along with my much larger Sirius stake. You playing it that way Brandon?
Last edited by MUSCLE13; 02-27-2016 at 03:25 PM.
Charles LaRocca
SiriusBuzz Founder
Sub growth for Sirius is actually accelerating in the last 2 years. I expect that to continue. The longer the stock price languishes, the better the opportunity for growth investors to average in. Much like 2008-09. BTW did you notice that sub numbers for all the cable companies had the best 4th quarter in a decade and that all returned to positive growth? So much for the cord cutting theories......
Netflix sub growth is slowing in the US and I believe Pandora is in domestic decline on listeners. I gotta check on Pandora. Haven't followed it closely since it's stock basically halved the old IPO first day closing.
Last edited by MUSCLE13; 02-29-2016 at 04:51 AM.
Charles LaRocca
SiriusBuzz Founder
Not a Brandon statement. They are going from a current 80 million OEM installs to 180 million OEM installs in cars over the next 10 years, plus a combo of internet and sat built into those car radios. The numbers for accelerating sub growth are compelling, and likely a lock.