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  1. Nazareth is offline
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    03-28-2015, 10:04 PM #121
    Here is my biggest complaint about Sirius music. They need a good Rock channel and southern rock channel. A channel that plays old and NEW....... I'm a big Black Crows fan and because I stopped listening to radio I missed the new band "Trigger Hippy". What a great band that was formed by the drummer of The Black Crows. I tried I tunes radio and made a station "Trigger Hippy radio", Wow all the great music,why doesn't Sirius have this on their Internet side . I wish Sirius would team up with Apple or Spotified because as far as music goes we need more personalization!!!!! I'm almost thinking about selling every share because of this. They should be leeding the way.
    Last edited by Nazareth; 03-29-2015 at 10:30 AM.

  2. dm_4 is offline
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    03-29-2015, 09:15 PM #122
    Quote Originally Posted by Nazareth View Post
    Here is my biggest complaint about Sirius music. They need a good Rock channel and southern rock channel. A channel that plays old and NEW....... I'm a big Black Crows fan and because I stopped listening to radio I missed the new band "Trigger Hippy". What a great band that was formed by the drummer of The Black Crows. I tried I tunes radio and made a station "Trigger Hippy radio", Wow all the great music,why doesn't Sirius have this on their Internet side . I wish Sirius would team up with Apple or Spotified because as far as music goes we need more personalization!!!!! I'm almost thinking about selling every share because of this. They should be leeding the way.
    Good points Nazareth. Kinda funny I just turned on the idiot box and i am watching iHeartRadio Music Awards. Pretty good stuff. Jamie Foxx hosting it, tons of rock and country stars, interviews, etc. Thinking to myself as i watch...why cant siri do something along the same lines?????

    Why not a SIRIXM Music awards???? Oh wait that would be a positive marketing and branding tool...siri doesn't do that type of stuff!

    Amazing how many times they have mentioned reminders to the viewing audience to "go download the iHeart Radio music app".
    Last edited by dm_4; 03-29-2015 at 09:55 PM.

  3. dm_4 is offline
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    03-29-2015, 10:39 PM #123
    Quote Originally Posted by Faulkner_SA View Post
    I'm confused. Why not buy APPL, or IHRT, if you guys feel they are doing the right things and SIRI is not? Why buy SIRI and then complain it is not doing what the other company is doing?

    SIRI isn't a streaming app company.

    Running a music awards show is expensive. It's not as simple as just firing one up and presto, positive marketing and branding tool that pays off more than it costs.

    They remind the audience constantly to download the app because the app loses them considerable amounts of money and they are not getting enough users and not getting enough advertisers to support it. It's not really amazing that they constantly remind people about it. I'm actually surprised they don't hold them all hostage there until they can prove they downloaded it.

    It's very simple to sell SIRI and then purchase one of the other companies if you feel those companies are better choices based on their activity.

    Any more expensive than what they pay talent..any more expensive than fighting lawsuits, any more expensive than what ceo executive salaries are? Point is do something...promote the brand.

  4. dm_4 is offline
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    03-29-2015, 11:10 PM #124
    Quote Originally Posted by Faulkner_SA View Post
    But why hold SIRI if you think they should cut some talent and run an awards show which they clearly will not do?

    Why hold SIRI if you think they should not fight lawsuits (not sure what the other option is here?) and run an awards show which they clearly will not do?

    Why hold SIRI if you think they should cut executive salaries and run an awards show which they clearly will not do?

    Why hold SIRI if you think they should not make any changes but run an awards show in addition to other things, which they clearly will not do?

    Since they will not do this, why hold? Why not buy IHRT? They run an awards show and heavily promote the app.
    Why get so defensive about someone mentioning promoting the brand, lol. Never said iheart or others are better companies...just stated i was impressed with them actually promoting their brand and app by this music show tonight and wished siri could or would do the same or similar.

    As far as why not sell siri? I plan to in due time.

    Oh and i never said they should cut talent, exectutives salaries or not fight lawsuits as you suggested i stated. May want to go back and re read what i wrote. Although i would be for some of what you suggested i stated lol.
    Last edited by dm_4; 03-30-2015 at 12:07 AM.

  5. dm_4 is offline
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    03-29-2015, 11:41 PM #125
    Quote Originally Posted by Faulkner_SA View Post
    I'm not defensive. Just questioning and trying to find out what is going on. The psychology of the market / participants in the market somewhat fascinates me and I find it to be rather valuable.
    well if your trying to gain any valuable psychological insight from me thats prob a huge waste of time

  6. bdp. is offline
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    03-30-2015, 02:55 PM #126
    Sirius sucks nads. (Just needed to get that off my chest today)

  7. Nazareth is offline
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    03-30-2015, 04:15 PM #127
    DM you got exactly what I was saying. Just wishing on their streaming music side to have more options(personalization). Nothing more than that. Where is the Rock station on the satellite that plays the most current stuff raging from Foo Fighters Black Crows to The Who to Black Keys.
    It's all Rock and roll. Hate getting stuck in certain decades and missing out on new stuff from the different bands.

  8. dm_4 is offline
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    03-30-2015, 07:56 PM #128
    Yes Naz... personalization is key. Pretty sure wolf a while back was hoping for more personalization as well or it may have been denco. I have to admit being a siri long i use to detest pandora and never gave it a chance. Then one vacation a few years back a friend of mine who was a avid pandora listener introduced it to me. I was really reluctant at the time...but after seeing how personalized their app was it instantly changed my view and i began using pandora at work. It was just easier and quicker to listen to the artists i wanted to hear within seconds. I really haven't listened to Pandora or siri app in a long time tho. You are correct they could do a better job classifying their stations. I actually should prob do a better job at looking at their play lists more to figure out which channels are which to be fair.
    Last edited by dm_4; 03-30-2015 at 10:42 PM.

  9. beehaus is offline
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    03-31-2015, 11:45 AM #129

  10. dm_4 is offline
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    12-31-2021, 04:20 PM #130

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