Hehe....maybe a slight one! But I've been pretty dead on with anticipating SIRI's share price troubles over the last year in my articles....even posted a nice little pattern and resistance area for AAPL traders a few weeks back....
wolfie, did my chart help you play any tunes on that fiddle?....just curious
Both LMCA and LMCK ended the day Friday at $48.791 as per etrade pro close. Don't remember them ending the day at the exact same price since the separation into 2 tickers. Don't think/know it means anything but did notice the exact same price as interesting.
Wolf- Are you playing the Alibaba IPO?
Edit: Really I guess I should ask is anyone here playing it?
I am gonna try BJH!
Made $6k on the GoPro IPO first day. Just gonna trade the crap outta it. When I log a gain, I take it and jump back in again.
I'll do this until I feel the momentum is about to change or until the daily % gain is too ridiculous to hold.
There is a lot of enthusiasm behind this one so it should be easy pickins.
Just don't hold a gain for too long without cashing in. I'd rather lock in that gain and re-buy a dip than to miss that gain and have to wait for it to come around again.
And don't buy any more than you are willing to hold for a few weeks just in case you miss the top and get caught upside down.
Last edited by Wolf Child; 09-15-2014 at 07:43 PM.
Yeah I think I'm going to give it a try too.
Great job on GoPro! I was on vacation so didn't get in to trade that one. I tried for twitter but couldn't get any from TD at IPO.
talk about a holding pattern.... sheesh
I'm sure you are all aware but here is the link to today's conference
sure hope Meyer has something good to say
Last edited by Wolf Child; 09-16-2014 at 01:08 PM.
this is so lame. At least when it was going down I could buy more at certain targets. I'm going to go paint my office wall and stare at it...
mother f@cker
Wolf.....They never have anything good to say. Through the years these guys show up to these conferences and give us nothing more than what they already gave us at the cc preceding the event in which they are speaking. I can't ever recall listening to one of these events and thinking WOW Holy CHIT....that awesome news! The most we will get is "this qrtr is shaping up to be a good one and we feel we are firing on cylinders, blah blah blah"....I hope i am wrong tho.