The Saga Continues...
anyone else get caught in PHOT like i did?
Ya just noticed PHOT stopped trading the other day. That's the risk with those stocks. Goodluck
I wonder how many $4+ upgrades SIRI needs to make a nontrivial move in that direction.
For an up day it sure feels like a down day. All my stocks are red
If we see 3.05 again I am loading up... and then selling again into the pipe dream before it takes a dump again. Repeat repeat... This has truly become no less than comical, however, not funny.
I wonder how long they have to report that we are buying? They are pushing it to the threshold of the 25TH. If we haven't bought nothing and we pay Liberty $3.66..... We have Tiny Tim as a leader, he's stuck in his closet... complete Bullskit
"SiriusXM Canada Announces Quarterly Dividend"