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  1. Newman is offline
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    Joined: Jun 2007 Location: Dallas Texas Posts: 1,162
    08-29-2008, 01:04 PM #1

    Fantasy Football League Begins!

    The Fantasy Football League officially began today at 0500 with a long and grueling Fantasy Draft (actually, it was automated and took less than 7 minutes).

    League Owners, don't forget to check out your teams and set your starting lineup for Week #1. Make sure you visit the League Office frequently.

    Good luck to everyone!


  2. Dlite is offline
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    08-29-2008, 11:05 PM #2
    Thanks for putting this together, Newman. My PC crashed and I haven't been back online until today, so didn't get to set my draft order, but I'm happy with my team anyway.

  3. vnvnvn2000 is offline
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    03-26-2009, 06:43 AM #3
    I've seen most of these happen, and that first one happens EVERY year.

    "Fantasy" Football - You've done your research and think you know this "sleeper" that no one else knows about. You are sure he will be the steal of the draft.

    "Reality" Football - He gets drafted before you can take him because EVERYBODY knew about him, or he is a complete bust. (i.e. Vincent Jackson)

    Good stuff, great article.