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  1. Richard Christian is offline
    Junior Member
    Richard Christian's Avatar
    Joined: Mar 2012 Posts: 2
    11-10-2013, 01:04 PM #1

    Unhappy Sirius xm playlists on

    Not sure if anyone on this forum has the answer but I am wondering why I can not see the playlists for Sirius Octane @ ▶dogstar free media player◀
    It is supposed to be on 37 and there is no option to view 37. It goes from 36 Alt Nation to 40 Liquid Metal.

  2. Rewind is offline
    Rewind's Avatar
    Joined: Oct 2017 Location: Glendale CA Posts: 12,466
    10-06-2017, 04:46 PM #2
    Richard is probably aware by now that Channel 37 is now on Dogstar's menu:

    For many of the channels that are not listed in the menu, you can see the playlists by changing the number in the URL. For instance, if you change the "37" in the above link to "18," you can see the playlist for The Beatles Channel, even though the channel is not listed.