Check out this interesting article on FB…'s chart is shaping up….
Check out this interesting article on FB…'s chart is shaping up….
Is it time to take a bite out of the Apple?
Well, I guess my answer was yes…..I bit at 419.85 for a quick swing trade…..
EDIT: I also purchased some shares the same day for 423…..
And I'm holding them for now….
Last edited by Limit5Bass; 07-11-2013 at 11:17 PM.
Ive been scooping up shares of FB in the 23-24 range. I said a long time ago that I wold be a buyer under 25 if for no other reason than the fact that this company hires and controls some of the brightest minds in technology. Ive been in IT long enough to know what truly intelligent people are capable of -- now imagine having thousands of those people on your staff.
They are like the Goldman Sachs of technology. Like them or not, they will find ways to make gobs of cash because the smartest people want to work there.
Charles LaRocca
SiriusBuzz Founder
You really see a run to $32 in the near future? Thats a big run.
Charles LaRocca
SiriusBuzz Founder