Good Morining All!
Looks like SIRI is still Frisky today. PM high of 3.30 with a B/A of 3.25/3.26 currently.
It looks like we get our 3.26 pint today in the regular session......hopefully GLTA!
Good Morining All!
Looks like SIRI is still Frisky today. PM high of 3.30 with a B/A of 3.25/3.26 currently.
It looks like we get our 3.26 pint today in the regular session......hopefully GLTA!
I disagree. I believe a lot of selling and profit taking after yesterdays pop. I think we will see 3.15 again before 3.26. I am also concerned about the confirmation of buy backs. Would that not throw a monkey wrench in the works as every effort is made to suppress the sp? We've seen it before...
I think people need to realize siri isn't the volatile beast it used to be. I've always been long, but traded swings at times as well with over-core and now I'm just sitting patiently with my core position.
I'm not confident in myself to pull money I know will appreciate in value over the next year or two out in hopes of making a quick buck on a new venture in the short term. That's just me...
I tip my hat to you guys that are still making money off trading siri on, at most, 7-8% swings back to the low 3's.
Shortie is taking the POUNDING I was waiting for. Yesterdays close was too BULISH to hold the dog down!!
Bought my 3.24s back BIG at 3.26 for ths SQUEEZZEEEE!!!!!
Last edited by denco1; 05-01-2013 at 09:53 AM.
SIRI holding strong above $3.30......What happened to all the SIRILOVERS??.....NALGAHIGHSIRI......SWEETTTT!!!!
Last edited by denco1; 05-01-2013 at 11:52 AM.
getting a few chuckles over here in Long and Strong Land --
One of the things that I really liked - and the only thing that I've watched/listened to about Sxm - is that Bloomberg clip.
It's so nice to hear a respected channel speak in real terms about The Dog.
"anyway -- interesting spike to the $3.25 -- I'm reminded of the spring of 2011 -- there was a bit of a fake that came as a surprise to me -- which was my biggest wake up call with SIRI -- got my ass served & it took me the better part of the year to make up the profits that were missed by the run -- still made my money...just took me longer to get there "
What's up HB!....good to see you. I agree with your going back to 2011 when they headfaked it down to 1.86ish in PM before they powered it up through $2 eventually up to 2.42 in short order, a couple of weeks, before the retrace from hell that ensued after the retest to 2.44 and the lower high of 2.31 ish. It does feel the same. We may just get the run without the HUGE retrace this time.
Anyting staying above $3 to 3.15 would be standard......under $3 would be a bit much.
Last edited by denco1; 05-01-2013 at 12:40 PM.
SIRI and MJNA owners must be traderbating today.
Charles LaRocca
SiriusBuzz Founder