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  1. elr0y74 is offline
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    06-01-2012, 01:42 PM #1

    Sirius car radio DONE! Can I use for Iphone?

    Hello all!

    I have a sportster 4 mounted into my Jeep Grand Cherokee limited 05. It is hard wired into my factory cd/Nav system on a docking station. Well it finally crapped the bed and I am out of luck unless I want to buy a new reciever. My question is could I use the current AUX out as an MP3 line in for my Iphone? Since I have the app on my phone it would be nice just to use it.

    There are 3 wires connected to my dock and reciever. I am assuming Power, antenna and AUX. My reciever was working through an FM transmitter, I had to have my CD/Nav system set to a certain station for my sirius to come on.

    Anybody able to figure this out? Thanks in advance for you your time.

  2. elr0y74 is offline
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    06-01-2012, 01:46 PM #2
    Just wanted to clarify, my JEEP does not have an AUX input. That why I had to get it hard wired. Thanks again!

  3. SiriusBuzz is online now
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    06-01-2012, 02:42 PM #3
    Welcome to the forums.

    If you want to use your iPhone, you will need an aux input. As far as I know, an aux input was not introduced on the Grand Cherokee until 2008 (my buddy has one).

    Personally, I would just pick up a nice new refurbished Sportster 4 and wait until you upgrade your current vehicle. If you plan on keeping that ride for a long time, maybe pick up a nice new receiver with a front and rear facing aux input so you can plug in any gadget you want.

    Hope this helps.
    Charles LaRocca
    SiriusBuzz Founder