View Poll Results: Who should be elected the official Sirius Buzz Forums Debate King?

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  • john

    3 42.86%
  • john

    3 42.86%
  • john

    1 14.29%
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  1. zcurzan is offline
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    07-24-2008, 05:51 PM #1

    Official Sirius Buzz Forums Debate King Election 2008

    "I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."
    Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)

    In memory of all those opponents who have fallen to the undeniable logic of 'john'.

    07-03-2008 one959
    07-23-2008 deewcom
    07-24-2008 SiriusBuzz
    07-24-2008 zcurzan
    08-14-2008 JasonL
    11-30-2009 Havakasha

    Official death toll: 6 board members

    Last edited by zcurzan; 04-23-2010 at 01:14 PM.

  2. clueless is offline
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    07-24-2008, 09:45 PM #2
    That is truly laugh out loud funny

    P.S. I voted for john.

  3. SiriusBuzz is offline
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    07-24-2008, 10:08 PM #3
    Well played.

    We will have to have a funniest thread of the year contest. I think this is the first nomination.

    John, even you have to appreciate the lengths at which zcurzan went to.
    Charles LaRocca
    SiriusBuzz Founder

  4. john is offline
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    08-14-2008, 03:48 PM #4
    This was very good. I loved it, I have to thank Newman also, I missed it the first time, but Newman linked to it. I would actually say "homer" is better then me. Weather it is a joke or not, I would hope people on any site would like the information to be correct though, right. The site or commentor is only as good as how truthful the information is. I think we all would like to know were the false statements are. Right is always right and wrong will always be wrong no matter how you say it. I just point out the truth.

  5. SiriusBuzz is offline
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    08-14-2008, 05:03 PM #5
    I don't have time to go over it all but the assumptions you made about SiriusBuzz were COMPLETELY incorrect. You are going to have to take my word for it because I don't have time to point out the 423 points you made.

    That being said, I am glad you try and keep people honest. Just don't be sure that you are always 100% correct. Is sounds goofy.
    Charles LaRocca
    SiriusBuzz Founder

  6. john is offline
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    08-15-2008, 02:40 PM #6
    I made a total of 2 assumptions about Sirius Buzz Those are correct I broke those down in the last debate. As a matter of fact, Sirius Buzz Radio confirms them when they said many that go to the main site dont even know that other parts of your site exist on the main page. They totally miss the Tabs on the right the only thing I was wrong on there was that I said it was on the left and it is actually on the right. Once again I will show How I was right and you are and were wrong. This was what I said about Sirius Buzz that was under debate at the time;

    "I dought that, not the fact that thousands come here, fewer still to the forums, but that few that come to the forums knew."

    Then you said:

    "You sure do assume a lot. I will briefly try and cover some that are incorrect.

    1. Just because you do not see people involved does not mean that people are not here reading the forums. Check the number of guests viewing the forums at any given time and you will see that over the course of the day it is THOUSANDS of people."

    So who started doing the assuming here. Then somehow you got that I said that you did not have thousands of people coming to the forums. So I will show you again what I said and expain it to you."

    "I dought that, not the fact that thousands come here, fewer still to the forums, but that few that come to the forums knew."

    I then crushed you here with common sense:

    "From that I can stated that fewer came to the forums then to the main site. That comes from years of experience, common sense and what I read here. Hell I have seen and heard comments (on Sirius Buzz no less) that there were people that did not even realize that there were different catagories to the left (investors, general, Canada, equipment, ect., ect.) So it is a fact that less come to the forums then goto the main site. Also just because you see 5 to ten people viewing does not mean they are not repeaters , such as zcurcan, crfceo, myself and many other regulars. I know this because I have seen more then one occurrence where I was on a 2nd or 3rd visit and have seen many others were there again (because of the green light you have). Second you assumed 4 people seen the article I can say that was wrong because there were more then that in the article 5 to be precise. then you say thousands come to the site then chances are that, more then the people on the article came to read it and knew about the debate. Unless you think that title was done wrong to."

    It was debated and you were crushed peroid. Your own radio show proved me right last week, and in other weeks where you guys have tried to tell people over and over again that, there are other tabs to the site and many still dont know about them.

    Charles you start to sound crazy and unintelligent when you have to try and exaggerate the facts. A clear example of this is the 2 I did, is far from the 423 that you embelished it to.

    Second I have never said I am 100 % correct (that is you embelishing the facts again) I at most said I am almost always correct. Charles it is not hard to be correct most of the time as long as you stay within reason, use common sense and facts to back you up. Something you did not do and why you have been proven wrong on this time and time again. If that is the way you are in life, you will almost never be right. The odds will always be working against you. I am just trying to help you out here Charles.

  7. zcurzan is offline
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    08-15-2008, 03:23 PM #7
    And here I was fearing that this thread in all its glory would become old, outdated, and irrelevant to the board community. It was wrong of me to dought [sic] it.

    I'm filled with glee at the prospect of a bright future serving as official SiriusBuzz forum coroner and undertaker.

    Keep on bagging 'em, and I'll keep on tagging 'em.

  8. SiriusBuzz is offline
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    08-15-2008, 10:25 PM #8
    Again, you are wrong. Sorry man, its ok.

    Fewer people come to the forums than the main site. That is correct. The number of people who come to the forums are still in the the thousands and only a small few know what the hell you are talking about even today.

    As far as your "years of experience" about forum traffic, you are again wrong. Siriusbackstage and sitepoint to name two have FAR MORE traffic going to their forums then their main site.

    Wow... there were a whopping 5 in the article. So lets pick a safe number.. lets say 50 people know what you are talking about in that thread... that is 1% of the total monthly visitors or 99% that have no clue what you are talking about.

    Tyler points it out over and over on the show because the investor tab is his baby. If I were him I would be plugging it to, it is what he is passionate about. That being said, I have access to the stats and the investor section is the most visited section of the website. So, I think its safe to say that MOST people know its there. Judging also by my hard stats it is the most bookmarked section of the site. How are users bookmarking the section if they dont know it exsits?

    If you have a question I will happily answer it as I have the raw numbers in front of me. Stop assuming. You're all worked up about nothing.
    Charles LaRocca
    SiriusBuzz Founder

  9. Newman is offline
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    08-16-2008, 10:55 AM #9
    The investor's tab is dead.

    This argument is now mute. =)

    So take THAT!

  10. john is offline
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    08-16-2008, 01:08 PM #10
    Charles are that obtuse? First off this is what I said and you just agreed with most of it.

    john originally said:

    "I dought that, not the fact that thousands come here, fewer still to the forums, but that few that come to the forums knew."

    Charles just said above:

    "Fewer people come to the forums than the main site. That is correct."

    Now as for the rest of it:

    Charles just said above:

    "The number of people who come to the forums are still in the the thousands and only a small few know what the hell you are talking about even today."

    First I never disagreed with it still being in the thousands that come to the forums. I disagreed with the words that you used which were "few" and "any more then four" knew about the article. Now as for the the stats you have, I have only the ones you provide which showed that at the time we originally started this arguement, the article in question had about 200 views (which most would consider more then the "few" and "4" you first wrote of) well over the average views of most of the articles. It now has 406 views and is still well over the average of the other views for articles just before it and just after it (comparing with time frame that articles are up). So are your stats wrong that you have in front of you, or are the views that are shown on your site wrong which is it. Because logic and common sense dictate that one follows the other.

    Finally you said this:

    "Tyler points it out over and over on the show because the investor tab is his baby. If I were him I would be plugging it to, it is what he is passionate about. That being said, I have access to the stats and the investor section is the most visited section of the website. So, I think its safe to say that MOST people know its there. Judging also by my hard stats it is the most bookmarked section of the site. How are users bookmarking the section if they dont know it exsits?"

    So are you really that thick. What about the original arguement did you not get? (You start out, by agreeing with what I said, then this.) The arguement (second part of) was on this point that FEWER PEOPLE COME TO THE FORUMS THEN THE MAIN SITE. by the way I thought it was common sense that all the sections in the main site were included in the main site. The difference is the MAIN SITE and the FORUMS.

    What is your problem with just admiting you were wrong, and that you got confused on what was said.

    By the way it is amazing to me that what your first complaint to me was, the TITLE and readership on my article was off. Yet it has been one of your most viewed (if we are able to believe what you put up on views) articles. Ah vindication it is the best.
    Last edited by john; 08-16-2008 at 01:13 PM. Reason: change

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