Every chance you get you pick up a right wing Republican talking point. Most recently it was the birth control matter for example.
That one really surprised me, but i quess your hatred of President Obama got the best of you.
I do remember you saying you were not in favor letting gays serve openly in the militiary.
Last edited by Havakasha; 02-17-2012 at 02:28 PM.
Feb. 17, 2012, 12:23 p.m. EST
Congress approves extension of payroll-tax cut
By Robert Schroeder, MarketWatch
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — In a rare show of bipartisanship, House and Senate lawmakers voted Friday to extend a two-percentage-point payroll-tax cut for the rest of the year, sending legislation to President Barack Obama nearly two weeks before a tax hike would have gone into effect for about 160 million Americans.
ECONOMY AND POLITICS | Economy and Politics page
Thanks for the "Marxist" President (lol) for leading on this issue.
House lawmakers voted 293-132 on Friday to approve the bill, which will extend the current 4.2% payroll tax through the end of 2012, as well as extend prolonged jobless benefits and prevent payment cuts for Medicare doctors. The Senate quickly followed, approving the bill in a vote of 60-36. Read summary.
Bruised politically, Republicans earlier this week dropped their insistence that the payroll-tax cut be offset by spending cuts elsewhere.
“This is a compromise and not everyone likes everything in here,” said Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan, who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee.
The package adds $89.3 billion to the deficit over 10 years, the Congressional Budget Office said in an analysis. Read CBO analysis.
The bill gradually reduces the maximum duration of extended jobless benefits to 73 weeks from 99 weeks.
It wasn’t immediately known how many people would be affected by the reduction in benefits. Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs analyst Alec Phillips said that the reduction would result in “slightly less drag” on economic growth from fiscal policy in the second quarter of this year, but a slightly bigger drag around the end of 2012.
Without a deal, the payroll tax would have reverted to 6.2% on March 1.
Many economists have assumed that the payroll-tax cut would be extended. Dean Maki of Barclays Capital said had it not been extended, his firm would likely have lowered its forecast of growth in the second and third quarter by 0.5 to 1 percentage point.
Some Democrats said the deal, partially paid for by cutting federal contributions to civilian federal workers’ pensions, was unfair to government employees.
“It is not fair to ask only one group in America to make a sacrifice,” said Rep. Gerald Connolly, whose Northern Virginia district is heavily populated with federal workers.
The pension provision raises $15 billion.
The bill is also paid for by among other things sales of broadband spectrum and a cut of $5 billion to a public-health fund that is part of Obama’s health-care law.
Robert Schroeder is a reporter for MarketWatch in Washington.
"For the very first time, a majority of likely 2012 Republican primary voters do not believe that Barack Obama is an American citizen. Fifty-one percent! I'm just so proud to have been born in a country where unsubstantiated rumors about people you don’t support become majority beliefs."
---Stephen Colbert
Nah, its not possible that Conservative Republicans have moved their Party far to the right.![]()
Last edited by Havakasha; 02-18-2012 at 12:01 AM.
Here is yet just one more example of the ugliness and polarization that people like SiriuslyWrong and the other Conservatives spew on a weekly basis.
By Samuel P. Jacobs
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Feb 18 (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum challenged President Barack Obama's Christian beliefs on Saturday, saying White House policies were motivated by a "different theology."
A devout Roman Catholic who has risen to the top of Republican polls in recent days, Santorum said the Obama administration had failed to prevent gas prices rising and was using "political science" in the debate about climate change.
Obama's agenda is "not about you. It's not about your quality of life. It's not about your jobs. It's about some phony ideal. Some phony theology. Oh, not a theology based on the Bible. A different theology," Santorum told supporters of the conservative Tea Party movement at a Columbus hotel.
When asked about the statement at a news conference later, Santorum said, "If the president says he's a Christian, he's a Christian."
But Santorum did not back down from the assertion that Obama's values run against those of Christianity.
"He is imposing his values on the Christian church. He can categorize those values anyway he wants. I'm not going to," Santorum told reporters.
A social conservative, Santorum is increasingly seen as a champion for evangelical Christians in fights with Democrats over contraception and gay marriage.
"This is just the latest low in a Republican primary campaign that has been fueled by distortions, ugliness, and searing pessimism and negativity - a stark contrast with the President who is focused everyday on creating jobs and restoring economic security for the middle class," said Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt.
The campaign's response signaled a new respect for Santorum. Until this week, the Obama campaign appeared exclusively focused on Mitt Romney. Republicans are waging a state-by-state contest to pick a candidate to challenge Obama in November's election.
At a campaign appearance in Florida last month, Santorum declined to correct a voter who called Obama, a Christian, an "avowed Muslim."
Santorum told CNN after that incident, "I don't feel it's my obligation every time someone says something I don't agree with to contradict them, and the president's a big boy, he can defend himself."
SAT FEB 18, 2012 AT 05:00 AM PST
Bill Maher rips Republicans for their offensive treatment of Obama (updated with video)
Bill Maher had yet another excellent New Rule, blasting Republicans for their disgusting treatment of Obama to his face, and how this is completely different from how they treated all the other Democratic Presidents in our lifetimes. He again puts into words what many of us have been thinking.
From Bill O'Reilly interrupting the President 48 times in a 15-minute interview, to Joe Wilson heckling him in a speech before Congress, to Arizona Governor Jan Brewer sticking a finger in his face, something unprecedented is happening in the way conservatives disrespect this president.
Now, the deal we have always had with Presidents is that we smile and talk nice to them when they're in front of us. And then we cut them down and say horrible nasty things behind their backs. This has always worked for 8th grade girls, and it's always worked for the United States of America.
But there's something about this President that makes conservatives think it's OK to go apeshit in his presence. They didn't do this to Carter, an actual pacifist, or Clinton, who really did have a plan for universal health care, or LBJ, who actually made it easier for poor people to vote and eat. All of them clearly evil America-haters.
But they got treated with a modicum of respect, at least to their faces. Not Obama. What can it be that's different about him? (ponders for a moment to uncomfortable audience laughter)
It's either his race, or it's your brain chemistry, or it's something that happened when your dad spanked you and you liked it and you were looking at a box of Cream of Wheat. I don't know, I'm not a therapist. Maybe it's not race. I don't know what's in people's hearts. Except Newt Gingrich, I know what's in his heart: lust and cheese fries.
And finally, New Rule: If Mitt Romney really wants to win over conservative voters, he has to one-up Jan Brewer and spit on Obama's shoes.
From Bill O'Reilly interrupting the President 48 times in a 15-minute interview, to Joe Wilson heckling him in a speech before Congress, to Arizona Governor Jan Brewer sticking a finger in his face, something unprecedented is happening in the way conservatives disrespect this president.
And I'm not talking about mere words uttered hundreds or thousands of miles away. Sean Hannity can say whatever he wants. Nobody looks to him as a model human being, or even a human being. And I, of course, am very guilty or actually, proud, of innumerable insults to former President Bush, calling him:
· "a rube"
· "a cypher"
· "a shit kicker"
· "a yokel on the world stage"
· "a catastrophe that walks like a man"
· "the cowboy from Toy Story"
· "Drinky McDumbass"
· "President Larry the Cable Guy"
And then in Season 2....
But I didn't call him that to his face. Nor would I if I had the chance. And that is the difference.
Now, the deal we have always had with Presidents is that we smile and talk nice to them when they're in front of us. And then we cut them down and say horrible nasty things behind their backs. This has always worked for 8th grade girls, and it's always worked for the United States of America.
But this type of in-the-room, in-your-face, in-your-space disrespect is new. Admit that, and I will admit that, of course, something like impeaching Clinton was far more serious. But it was also at least in some ways more respectful. It was done with high pomp, through official channels, and was all about the rule of law, and the Chief Justice wore a special robe he got from a musical or something.
And somehow that is a lot more respectful than this.
Not that if Obama ever did anything like what Clinton did, he would even be alive. Can you imagine what they would do if they found out Obama had sex with the White House intern on Easter? Talk about colored eggs! He would have been impeached two times, one for each testicle!
This President has had to be the Caesar's wife of Pennsylvania Avenue, the Jackie Robinson of American politics, never reacting to the taunts from the stands. But after you do this...
...to try to get his goat, what's next? A wedgie? A purple nurple?
Governor Brewer said she did this because she felt "threatened". Right, like Obama ran his finger down her blouse and said, "Yeah, you my white princess."
But the Republicans had just won an election, and raising the debt ceiling was — and is — wildly unpopular. It is simple to imagine a world in which the administration refused to negotiate, only to see the debt ceiling breached, the economy fall into turmoil, and the White House stuck with the blame. Comparatively, the fact that Obama managed to persuade much of the country of what Scheiber and others consider to be the most salient fact of modern American politics — that the Republican Party has become so extreme that it would prefer Obama’s destruction to genuine compromise — can and should be seen as a major political accomplishment.
More evidence of the moderate course President Obama takes on a whole host of issues.
U.S. in Accord With Mexico on Drilling
Published: February 20, 2012
WASHINGTON — The United States and Mexico reached agreement on Monday on regulating oil and gas development along their maritime border in the Gulf of Mexico, ending years of negotiations and potentially opening more than a million acres to deepwater drilling.
The agreement, if ratified by Mexican and American lawmakers, would for the first time provide for joint inspection of the two countries’ rigs in the gulf. Until now, neither was authorized to oversee the environmental and safety practices of the other, even though oil spills do not respect international borders.
“Each of the nations will maintain sovereignty and their own regulatory systems,” Ken Salazar, the interior secretary, said from Los Cabos, Mexico, where the agreement was completed. “But what this signifies, and what may be the most significant part of the agreement, is that we’re moving forward jointly with Mexico to ensure we have a common set of safety protocols.
“As the Mexicans move into deepwater development,” Mr. Salazar said, “we want to make sure it’s done in a way that protects the environment and is as safe as possible.”
The Transboundary Agreement, as it is called, will make up to 1.5 million acres of offshore territory claimed by the United States available for leasing as early as June, though the leases will not become active until a pact is ratified. The Interior Department estimates that the area contains as much as 172 million barrels of oil and 300 billion cubic feet of natural gas, relatively modest amounts by the oil-rich gulf’s standards.
Continue reading here:
E.J. Dionne Jr.
Opinion Writer
President Obama as an alien
By E.J. Dionne Jr., Published: February 22
They say that President Obama is a Muslim, but if he isn’t, he’s a secularist who is waging war on religion. On some days he’s a Nazi, but on most others he’s merely a socialist. His especially creative opponents see him as having a “Kenyan anti-colonial worldview,” while the less adventurous say that he’s an elitist who spent too much time in Cambridge, Hyde Park and other excessively academic precincts.
Whatever our president is, he is never allowed to be a garden-variety American who plays basketball and golf, has a remarkably old-fashioned family life and, in the manner we regularly recommend to our kids, got ahead by getting a good education.
Please forgive this outburst. It’s simply astonishing that a man in his fourth year as our president continues to be the object of the most extraordinary paranoid fantasies. A significant part of his opposition still cannot accept that Obama is a rather moderate politician quite conventional in his tastes and his interests. And now that the economy is improving, short-circuiting easy criticisms, Obama’s adversaries are reheating all the old tropes and cliches and slanders.
True, some of this is driven by cable television (a venue in which I acknowledge regularly participating). Attacks designed to gin up the conservative base are quickly recycled to gin up outrage within Obama’s own base. Moreover, Obama is not the first president caught up in the rank unpleasantness of this particularly unforgiving political moment. A quick Google search will unearth references to George W. Bush as a “Nazi,” and Bill Clinton’s Republican opponents went so far as to impeach him in a shameful episode of extreme partisanship.
On those Hitler metaphors: Can we please agree to a voluntary cross-party ban on invoking the Fuhrer in the context of American politics? Only dictators who commit genocide against millions qualify for this odious comparison. It trivializes Hitler’s crimes to use Nazi references as everyday epithets.
But there is something especially rancid about the never-ending efforts to turn Obama into a stranger, an alien, a Manchurian Candidate with a diabolical hidden agenda. Are we trying to undo all the good it did us with the rest of the world when we elected an African American with a middle name popular among Muslims?
In my experience, even Americans who voted against Obama were proud that our nation showed friend and foe alike that we are a special place. We know it’s wrong to judge people by their race or lineage, and we so value religious freedom and openness that we elected a Christian convert who is the son of a Muslim father and an agnostic mother to lead us at one of our most difficult moments.
Yet many in the anti-Obama camp just can’t stop themselves from playing on fears that electing a man who defies old stereotypes was a terrible mistake. Thus did the Rev. Franklin Graham assert Tuesday on MSNBC not only that Muslims regard Obama as “a son of Islam” (because his father was Muslim) but also that “under President Obama, the Muslims of the world, he seems to be more concerned about them than the Christians that are being murdered in the Muslim countries.” Graham slightly softened his comments on CNN Wednesday, but it remains troubling that he chose to turn a legitimate concern about the persecution of Christians into a slander.