I looked and i STILL dont see your own words listing the associations that President Obama had which you are clearly worried about them nor why you are worried about them.
You dont seem able to do it in your own words. Interesting
I looked and i STILL dont see your own words listing the associations that President Obama had which you are clearly worried about them nor why you are worried about them.
You dont seem able to do it in your own words. Interesting
Last edited by Havakasha; 05-24-2012 at 10:57 AM.
This is what i originally asked and you still havent answered in your own words. Still waiting.
"If you please can you simply tell me in YOUR OWN WORDS who were the people he associated with, what was the extent of those associations and how that impacts what you think of President Obama? Thanks."
Still waiting. No surprise.
My own words are memorialized right here: http://siriusbuzz.com/forum/showthre...t-Wizard-of-Oz
You just have to read it.
Good try.
Still waiting for you to write here in your own words what the associations President Obama has that trouble you so much.
I dont ever expect you to do so. Usuallly have to chase you for months to get basic answers.
I looked and i STILL dont see your own words listing the associations that President Obama had which you are clearly worried about nor why you are worried about them.
Give me a quote HERE so we can move on from this silliness.
This is my last post in the politics section.
Its time to end this long period of debate, first with John and then with SiriuslyWrong. It just doesnt make sense anymore to debate someone who I finid dishonest and disingenious. Its been fun. So long. Its fitting that all this ends on the day of the Supreme courts decision.
Former GOP Sen. Bob Bennett: ‘Health Care Reform Is Obviously Here To Stay’
Former Sen. Bob Bennett (R-UT)
ERIC KLEEFELD JUNE 28, 2012, 6:44 PM 3601
Former Utah Sen. Bob Bennett, a Republican who lost his party’s nomination in 2010 — in part due to his past work with Democrats on health care reform — told TPM that he had few complaints about Thursday’s Supreme Court ruling.
“I’m delighted to see any kind of rein on the Commerce Clause, because I think the Commerce Clause has been used farther than it should have,” Bennett said. “I can’t really complain about the upholding of the idea of the individual mandate, because I had an individual mandate in my own bill. The system won’t work without it. You don’t have a big enough risk pool to pay for everything if you don’t have everyone in it. And that’s the purpose of the individual mandate, to get everyone in the risk pool, and then the numbers w
Last edited by Havakasha; 06-28-2012 at 10:28 PM.
Published: September 18
I thought we’d reached new heights of chutzpah in 2010 when Paul Ryan claimed to be a “fiscal conservative” — even though his original “Roadmap for America’s Future” added $62 trillion to the national debt before balancing the budget a half century from now.
Then that was topped in 2011 by the GOP’s galling refusal to raise the debt ceiling — despite having passed a Republican House budget that added nearly $6 trillion to the national debt in the next decade. As Bill Clinton might have said, it takes “brass” to stonewall on the debt limit when you’ve just voted to add trillions in fresh debt yourself.
But records are made to be broken. And so Mitt Romney’s fundraiser video riff now takes the chutzpah cake. What else can we say of a man who charges 47 percent of the country with being “dependent” “entitled” “victims,” because they don’t earn enough to pay federal income taxes? When the truth is that low earners were largely dropped from the rolls thanks to (sensible) Republican-supported policy that boosted the earned income tax credit? Which was itself the brainchild of conservative icon Milton Friedman!
And when those in the 47 percent who aren’t seniors or veterans are mostly poor workers whose payroll taxes, at 15.3 percent (since the employer side of the tax effectively comes out of workers’ wages), leaves them taxed at a higher rate than was Mitt Romney on his $20 million income last year?
To be so insultingly tone deaf and self-destructive even while being dead wrong and hypocritical on the substance is a perverse sort of accomplishment. It’s not easy to be this bad — but, like Roger Federer in his chosen field, Romney somehow makes it look effortless.
Mitt Romney has made President Barack Obama's supposed disrespect for business owners a cornerstone of his campaign over the past month, but it doesn't seem to be having much of an effect. According to a new poll, Obama holds a solid lead over Romney among small business owners:
Nearly half of small business owners (47 percent) plan to vote for a second term for the president, compared to 39 percent who plan to vote for Mitt Romney, according to a new poll conducted by the George Washington University School of Political Management and Thumbtack.com. Even more importantly, perhaps, the president is perceived as more supportive of small companies by the most coveted group of voters — independents.