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  1. clueless is offline
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    07-13-2007, 03:05 PM #1

    Bubba The Love Sponge Censored?

    What is going on with Bubba's show lately? They have been talking about and trying to stick to a "clean format" in what seems like an effort to stick it back to corporate for putting the kibosh on some of their more recent bits.

    My question is why is this show even being censored at all? Sirius should be totally uncensored...that is what we all pay for. There is nothing that they can say or do, over the radio, that people don't say and do every single day here in America. I just cant see any reason for censoring anything short of breaking the law, it is becoming very disappointing.

    I mean come on...they cant air a bit where 25 cent pleasures himself with a fake vagina when you know someone who is passing down that very ruling has done something worse than simply masturbating.

    If the over thinkers at Sirius had a clue they would be leaving Bubba the hell alone and doing everything they can to keep him on board and happy. This is coming from someone who purchased Sirius just for Howard and has come to like Bubba even more than the man they pay 500 million to.

  2. TSavery is offline
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    07-13-2007, 05:50 PM #2


    Whether we like it or not, some form of censorship does exist. Bubba, and shows such as this even walk a fine line on satellite radio. There are subjects that simply will not come up at all.

    While sometimes it seems frustrating as a subscriber, these shows have several things to consider. These types of content are partially subsidized by advertisers, and they have to be sensetive to their advertisers. Ad revenue is going to play a bigger and bigger role with this type of content. in particular if a tiered pricing system emerges.

    The key is offering content that maximizes listener satisfaction. There have been times where Bubba has toned down the stripper and whore talk because there was indication that the audience is bigger when that is not the center of attention on the show.

    Are these shows government censored? No. Are they self censored? Yes indeed.
    Tyler Savery
    Satellite Standard Founder

  3. Newman is offline
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    07-13-2007, 07:32 PM #3
    Not only that, but it has been rumored that the FCC may throw in a concession into the merger saying you can only merge if we get censorship powers over you.

    This way Sirius (and XM with the recent O&A suspensions) can say "We are doing our own censorship and the FCC sensorship really isnt needed." I think this is the key reason that SIRI and XMSR have not YET hired Imus. As soon as there is a merger go/no-go ruling, I am willing to bet money Imus will end up on one or the other. They just dont want to push the envelope at this time because of the merger and the FCC.

    That is my opinion anyways. My opinion is if you dont want to hear something like Imus talking about nappy headed hoes or Bubba the Love Sponge talking about hookers and whores, then dont listen. But I guess the government and media think that they need to do the censorship themselves since we are stupid and dont know what we like. If you are offended easily, its pretty obvious you shouldnt be listening to any of these guys including stern. But I am with you clueless, I dont think there should be any censorship...

    But keep it clean until after the merger is completed. Just in case.

  4. SiriusBuzz is offline
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    07-13-2007, 11:56 PM #4
    I have no problems with guidelines and rules but they need to stop calling it "uncensored radio." If they start over censoring or concede to letting the FCC censor their shows I know that I for one, will walk away from this technology that I know, love, and spread the word about on a daily basis.
    Charles LaRocca
    SiriusBuzz Founder

  5. Newman is offline
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    07-14-2007, 04:56 PM #5
    As I said before SiriusBuzz, I think all of that will be done with as soon as the merger is approved/denied. They will be free to do what ever the heck they want as long as it is not illegal and doesnt piss of the sponsors.

    It is just a show for the FCC to keep them off their backs.

    I HOPE.

  6. SiriusBuzz is offline
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    07-14-2007, 05:25 PM #6
    I could not hope more that you are right.
    Charles LaRocca
    SiriusBuzz Founder

  7. s50-rocks is offline
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    07-14-2007, 10:33 PM #7
    Do you think Sirius would let me keep the service if I cut back on the monthly subscription fee? I can see it as a marketing ploy to bump up existing subscribers into a higher tier, but if this is not the case, I'd probably just cancel the service in protest. I'd rather be the one doing the regulating. If this is protocol until the dust settles then fine, but I'm not going to support the new format.

  8. TSavery is offline
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    07-14-2007, 11:30 PM #8

    Censorship or regulated?

    The term censorship tends to be used as a catch-all for any time that certain content is not aired. Perhaps a better and more accurate description is regulated.

    By example, the Disney Channel has a certain expectation level associated with it in terms of content. We will not hear certain words, nor will we hear certain subjects when we tune into disney radio.

    With the shock jock channels, the limits of what can happen are much broader, and always have been. This does not mean that the content is not regulated though. When Stern first came over, he actually mentioned that he was making a concerted effort to limit his cursing. He was regulating himself. Some may call this censorship, others may understand it for what it is.

    These guys have many lines that they will not cross for many reasons. They need, to a certain extent, to resonate with a wide audience. This requires that certain actions and activites simply do not get done. Bubba understands this, and it is part of the reason he looks for fan input so often. If he is pushing the envelope to far, listeners may tune out.

    Out of all of the content on satellite radio, the shock jocks likely have the most difficult task in walking such lines. Some people love the raw talk and titilating actiuvities, and some people tollerate it. I can virtually guarentee that if the format went to all whores all the time, the audience would shrink substantially.

    Like I stated earlier, ad dollars, audience size, audience satisfaction, etc. all come into play. It is the job of Bubba to regulate himself to a point of satisfying as many as possible.

    If you noticed, there are some stunts, etc. that all are part of Bubba Raw, and not part of the show. One reason is liability on the part of Sirius. Another is that sirius does need to maintain a certain "moral standard" so long as these channels are regularly available. If the Stern Channels were "opt in" such as Playboy, things may differ slightly. Another example is the "shocking the puss" activities. These no longer take place on the air, and it appears that this was directed by Sirius.

    Regulating the content, as long as it is in the hands of Siurius, is far better than the type of control the FCC has over terrestrial broadcasts.
    Tyler Savery
    Satellite Standard Founder

  9. clueless is offline
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    07-15-2007, 01:45 AM #9
    The term censorship tends to be used as a catch-all for any time that certain content is not aired. Perhaps a better and more accurate description is regulated.
    I love a good game of semantics. Regulated sounds much less harsh, it rolls right of the tongue.

    When Stern first came over, he actually mentioned that he was making a concerted effort to limit his cursing. He was regulating himself. Some may call this censorship, others may understand it for what it is.
    IMO that is a bad example. That was him deciding what he did and didn't want to do on his own show for creative reasons. No one said that he couldn't swear, he decided he didn't want to...which went out the window by the way.

    Bubba understands this, and it is part of the reason he looks for fan input so often. If he is pushing the envelope to far, listeners may tune out.
    Shenanigans. He is complaining on a daily basis at this point that he cant say boo without getting a call from the overthinkers shutting him up or killing one of his bits.

    I can virtually guarentee that if the format went to all whores all the time, the audience would shrink substantially.
    Then let them leave and set up a new channel/DJ that is a little less harsh. I like heavy metal but the heart attack station is just to damn heavy for me so, I change the channel when some crazy yelling junk is on. Its that simple. Let the DJ do whatever the hell he wants and if his listenership goes down to 100 people per day then pay him accordingly.

    Like I stated earlier, ad dollars, audience size, audience satisfaction, etc. all come into play. It is the job of Bubba to regulate himself to a point of satisfying as many as possible.
    Charge me more money and cut the advertisers out of the equation. One less thing to worry about. Look at Bubbas pay site, do you think they keep from putting any content up on that site? They dont...and people eat it up.

    If you noticed, there are some stunts, etc. that all are part of Bubba Raw, and not part of the show. One reason is liability on the part of Sirius.
    Can you explain how they are liable when Bubba broadcasts in his own private studio? Is Bubba really an employee of Sirius or is he contracted?

    Regulating the content, as long as it is in the hands of Siurius, is far better than the type of control the FCC has over terrestrial broadcasts.
    I agree but that doesn't make censoring OK when you advertise your service as uncensored. Instead of writing "UNCENSORED" in huge letters on the website or advertisements just change it to "mildly regulated" and let people decide if they are still interested.

  10. s50-rocks is offline
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    07-15-2007, 02:14 PM #10
    I guess my biggest beef with this situation is change. The Chemistry between the cast of characters at the BRN was perfect the way it was introduced. A watered down version of something that's perfect the way it is, is not my idea of creating a subscriber based service that people will crave. I don't care for all of the stunts and bits preformed on Bubbas show and when I choose not to listen, I self regulate by changing the channel for awhile. If enough people feel the same, they call in, email the show, and get the point across. Cause and effect is analyzed by the BRN and Bubba discusses the issue at hand and chooses which way to move forward from there. A large part of Bubba and crews lives are an open books and by ripping out a few chapters here and there doesn't make the whole experience better. The BTLS is interactive and has the ability to self regulated. If you watered down the fuel you put in you car, changing the chemistry, it probably would not run so well.

    There is a difference between when I self regulate, censor, shield, and police my own actions , as opposed to when somebody else, that has more power over my life, regulates. censors, shields, and police my own entitled actions.

    Advertisers can pick and choose where they spend their advertising dollars and where their spots will be run and base judgment on target audience and other factors. Sirius has plenty of spaces available for placing all types of advertising between channels. Suppression by advertisers is not a concern. In fact, The no holds barred format allows advertisers to be more creative than ever before, making commercials that are memorable and unique.

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