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  1. Sirius Roadkill is offline
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    08-08-2011, 01:02 PM #11
    At the moment, Spencer Osborne is closer to his "fairly valued" $1.10 price target ("what part of that don't you understand") than he is to his new year-end price target of $2.80!

    btw, note to CNBC dumbass-in-chief Bill Griffith . . . Mark Haines is spinning in his grave dumbass!

    When you bring that asswipe Peter Costa on the air dumbass and he says "the Fed needs to take action now" you done real good when you followed-up by asking "what should the Fed do?" . . . but then dumbass, when asswipe Costa says "I'm not smart enough to answer that" . . . NO dumbass!

    He does not get away with that kind of answer! You step on his throat and press him to answer until little beads of sweat run down his brow.

    Do your job dumbass or get off the air!
    Last edited by Sirius Roadkill; 08-08-2011 at 01:04 PM.

  2. Sirius Roadkill is offline
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    08-08-2011, 01:19 PM #12

    Judge Defers Ruling on Settlement

    By Don Jeffrey - Aug 8, 2011 12:34 PM ET .

    A federal judge declined to rule from the bench on the settlement of a lawsuit by Sirius XM Radio Inc. (SIRI) subscribers who claimed the satellite radio broadcaster broke the law when it raised prices after merging with its only rival.

    Objectors called the settlement of “dubious value” because Sirius XM hadn’t ever said it would raise prices before year-end anyway. They objected to the $13 million in fees to be paid to the lawyers representing the class.

  3. Sirius Roadkill is offline
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    08-08-2011, 02:41 PM #13

    wall street eats

    Wall Street eating one of its own . . . good riddance Bank of America . . . nice knowing ya . . . you can bend over now and kiss your ass goodbye while Angelo Mozilo works on his tan!

    Let the chips fall where they may . . . Fed can't do jackshit this time!

    If you learn anything from this post, learn this:

    1.) It pays to steal
    2.) Because it pays to steal, never steal anything small
    3.) Make sure you have a "VIP" list of elected officials (aka "Friends of Angelo")
    4.) Use stolen funds to openly bribe elected officials on your VIP list
    5.) Stay the hell out of the sun (see pics below of Angelo Mozilo)
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    Last edited by Sirius Roadkill; 01-26-2012 at 06:19 PM.

  4. Sirius Roadkill is offline
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    08-08-2011, 04:04 PM #14
    woohoo . . . $1.65 Close . . . Spencer is now calling for a 70% gain by year end.

    Spencer Osborne says:
    August 2, 2011 at 11:01 am

    "Thank you for the kind words. My target for the end of the year is $2.70 to $2.80"

  5. sxminvestor is offline
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    08-08-2011, 10:14 PM #15
    I'm not sure if you can laugh any harder, but 1.40 could be in play & we all know what that will mean if it hits the high end of his target....Actually Spence is talking of 1.50 in his SA article published today...

    Quote Originally Posted by Sirius Roadkill View Post
    woohoo . . . $1.65 Close . . . Spencer is now calling for a 70% gain by year end.

  6. otone is offline
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    08-09-2011, 01:45 AM #16
    Ya, real tough making a prediction when sentiment is strongly going a particular way and I'm not talking about you sxm :-)

  7. Sirius Roadkill is offline
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    08-09-2011, 01:13 PM #17
    Quote Originally Posted by sxminvestor View Post
    I'm not sure if you can laugh any harder, but 1.40 could be in play & we all know what that will mean if it hits the high end of his target....Actually Spence is talking of 1.50 in his SA article published today...
    Quote Originally Posted by otone View Post
    Ya, real tough making a prediction when sentiment is strongly going a particular way and I'm not talking about you sxm :-)
    Spencer has become a bit like the "Unknown Comic" . . . best enjoyed in small doses.

    I enjoyed the Unknown Comic best when he stuck to the Gong Show . . . before you knew it, however, he started spreading himself too thin, showing up on Seeking Alfalfa, the Radio Playground, something about KickingTires . . . the material starts to run a little thin, gets watered-down, diminishing returns set in.

    Then I became more of a Gene-Gene Dancing Machine type guy . . he knew where his bread was buttered . . . stuck to his knitting . . . never wandered too far from home.

    btw SXM . . . be careful with that Seeking Alfalfa site . . . I hear you could go blind looking at that stuff or might even grow hair on your knuckles. Lotta guys like drawing pay-checks; gets the creative juices flowing ala Oliver Stone.
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    Last edited by Sirius Roadkill; 08-09-2011 at 01:16 PM.

  8. SiriusBuzz is offline
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    08-09-2011, 02:10 PM #18
    Side Note: Seeking Alphas model is unsustainable. Their new publisher payout program is a knee-jerk reaction to the latest Google update and the rate they are paying leaves them with no room make money. I am willing to bet they drop the rate or the entire program within the next year.

    See back in the day Seeking alpha didn't pay publishers anything because, they didn't have to (I told SIRI authors to not write for them). They just republished other authors hard work and raked in the profits but, after Googles latest Panda update, websites which publish duplicate content are so heavily penalized that Seeking alphas traffic was probably going to be cut by 80%. Rather than taking that massive cut, they quickly scramble and make an offer too good to be true to attract authors who can keep their traffic stats up but, in the end, these rates are simply too high for them to make any money on these articles. They will have to either cut those rates (after using the authors) or start to charge a some kind of pay service to offset the high cost of the publisher sharing model. I am willing to bet a lot of these authors get chewed up and spit out.
    Charles LaRocca
    SiriusBuzz Founder

  9. Sirius Roadkill is offline
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    08-14-2011, 05:15 PM #19


    new TV ads for Sirius XM and uconnect?

    saw one with dodge charger . . now one with dodge journey
    Last edited by Sirius Roadkill; 08-14-2011 at 05:22 PM.

  10. Spencer Osborne is offline
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    08-15-2011, 04:52 PM #20

    Seeking Alpha

    Regarding Seeking Alpha. I should say that the sentiment about Seeking Alpha surprises me, but having covered Sirius XM for years, I have learned that most people fail to take the extra steps needed to do a bit of their own research. There are many out there who make statements like, "Seeking Alpha is negative on not read anything they write."

    People who have that mentality are seriously selling themselves short, and demonstrating exactly how naive they are.

    Seeking Alpha is a lot like Sirius XM. They both aggregate content and redistribute it for consumer consumption. You may not like Howard Stern, but he is not representative of Sirius XM's overall package. You may never listen to country music, but does that mean Sirius XM sucks?

    Seeking alpha collects content from independent sources and if the content is readable and passes some minor editing, they will publish it regardless of the opinion in the piece. Seeking alpha does not care if an author is bullish or bearish. They simply want thought provoking and actionable pieces.

    I often hear people stating that seeking alpha, or other websites, are simply looking for clicks. again, a foolish sentiment to have. Of course any website is in the business of attracting readers. Be it free or a subscription, sites are designed to draw traffic. Is there something wrong with that? I write pieces on seeking Alpha that I know will not draw much traffic, but I cover the equity anyway. Would you rather have varied opinion or a bunch of "yes-men" type articles?

    What defines a click whore? I guess you could have many definitions. I look at a click whore as someone who writes a piece and then runs around message boards promoting it. I look at a click whore as someone who reaches well beyond the realistic for the purpose of getting a story up. There are plenty of click whores out there, but they are not totally worthless. They have a perspective that you should likely at least take a look at.

    I catch flak for being too negative....I catch flak for being too positive. I catch flak for just about any reason, but in the end, I simply write.

    Roadkill is slamming me now because I have not moved my year end price target of $2.70. The reason I have not moved it is that I have not seen enough compelling reasons to bring the target downward as yet. When Q3 auto sales are in the books, when we see exactly what satellite radio 2.0 can deliver this year, when we see what will happen with the Blessing case, and when we see what type of pricing the company will have, I will have enough information to assess reasons to move my target. Right now I am looking for solutions to all of these that will play out in the next couple of months. I have my cautions in place, and if they materialize, my opinion can change.

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