At the moment, Spencer Osborne is closer to his "fairly valued" $1.10 price target ("what part of that don't you understand") than he is to his new year-end price target of $2.80!
btw, note to CNBC dumbass-in-chief Bill Griffith . . . Mark Haines is spinning in his grave dumbass!
When you bring that asswipe Peter Costa on the air dumbass and he says "the Fed needs to take action now" you done real good when you followed-up by asking "what should the Fed do?" . . . but then dumbass, when asswipe Costa says "I'm not smart enough to answer that" . . . NO dumbass!
He does not get away with that kind of answer! You step on his throat and press him to answer until little beads of sweat run down his brow.
Do your job dumbass or get off the air!