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  1. Sirius Roadkill is offline
    Sirius Roadkill's Avatar
    Joined: Feb 2009 Posts: 1,882
    05-06-2011, 04:39 PM #1

    Ba-Bye Erin Burnett

    Good friggin riddance . . . don't let the door hit your ass on the way out!

    Your 5 year audition for something better than CNBC has ended.

    I have news for you lady . . . you're a big know-nothing as your new employer will soon find out . . . maybe they can send you over to Dubai to report on the booming real estate market there - whoops.

    So Erin . . . tell us, "Is Sirius XM going to zero?" . . . last I looked it's at $2.20

    Well, one-by-one General Electric is ridding itself of the Goldman Sachs shills . . . maybe Erin can put in a good word for Jimmy over at CNN . . . nothing like a little clown show to boost sagging ratings.

    Now that Erin is gone, does this mean no more of that nutty professor David Bank on CNBC?
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    Last edited by Sirius Roadkill; 05-06-2011 at 07:31 PM.

  2. Sirius Roadkill is offline
    Sirius Roadkill's Avatar
    Joined: Feb 2009 Posts: 1,882
    05-06-2011, 04:47 PM #2
    correction: $2.22!!

    and Tyler Savery had the balls to give me sh*t when I called-out David Bank and his $1.00 price target!