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  1. SiriusBuzz is offline
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    02-07-2011, 11:03 PM #1

    Lightbulb Please Read: New Forum Rules

    I have been getting killed with take-down notices over the past couple of weeks from websites complaining about their content being ripped.

    If you would like to talk about an article, please post an excerpt in a quote box and an accompanying link if relevant but, do not copy and paste the entire article. Also, please be sure to leave some thoughts with the excerpt and link, this is a forum, we want to create discussion! Any and all posts consisting of nothing more than a link dumped as a new thread will be removed.

    I think if we create a culture of posting a link and copying just the important part worth focusing on (in a quote box) it will be good for everyone here. In the end we all wind up with a format that easily readable and understandable.

    Thank you for your help and understanding.

    Charles LaRocca
    SiriusBuzz Founder

  2. Rewind is offline
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    10-30-2017, 11:07 PM #2
    Charles, I am one of the "new kids" here but I am already dismayed by the lack of participation. I know Sirius Buzz has been around for six fewer years than that *other* site but, even taking that into consideration, the participation here is pretty dismal: 5,111 members here compared to more than 77,000 on the other site: 92,000 posts here compared with more than 2,000,000 there; six people here with at least 1,000 posts, compared with 229 people there.....and one person has more than 100,000 posts!

    I have started some new threads here, threads devoted to topical issues. I have encouraged other people to share their stories and opinions. I want to have discussions. If no one participates, the threads wind up being nothing more than my own personal blogs.

    I was a member of another similar site which was shut down a few years ago after participation kept dwindling. During the site's final few weeks, the moderator and I were pretty much the only ones still posting.

    I see new members joining this site -- but the new members, and almost all of the old members, never post anything. Everybody has opinions. Why do so few people share them here?

    I saw a comment posted several years ago by someone complaining that Sirius Buzz is "dead as a coffin nail." I don't think nails were ever alive to start with, but that's not the point. The point is that people here need to participate by posting stories and discussing all the many major issues facing our country. I would hate to see Sirius Buzz die due to lack of participation and wind up on the same trash heap as ClubXM, XM411,, SiriusFan and Sirius Backstage.

    Well, I've called attention to the problem. Can anyone offer a solution or two?


  3. Rewind is offline
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    11-06-2017, 10:32 PM #3
    Apparently the answer to the question I asked is "no." Sirius Buzz has a lot of members and many people read the posts here but almost no one responds. Most of the recent threads are ones that I started. The site's moderators seldom post anymore. The site's founder seldom posts anymore. The home page has not been updated since 2008. It still has references to the Sirius-XM merger and the "upcoming election."

    This website is desperately in need of an update and even more desperately in need of participation. I'm waiting.

  4. Penguin is offline
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    11-07-2017, 12:15 AM #4
    One of my favorite Yogi Berra lines is that if people don't want to come to the ballpark, nobody is going to stop them. I guess that applies here. If people don't want to post here, nobody is going to stop them.

  5. Rewind is offline
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    11-07-2017, 12:40 AM #5
    This site supposedly has 277 "active posters." I would love to know what the Sirius Buzz definition of "active" is. Penguin, you'll enjoy this six-page list of "Yogi-isms." One of my favorites: "I knew I was going to take the wrong train so I left early."

  6. Penguin is offline
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    11-07-2017, 12:46 AM #6
    Thanks! I like the commercial he did for AFLAC.