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  1. dbw is offline
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    Joined: Apr 2010 Posts: 1
    04-29-2010, 10:31 PM #1

    Unhappy Sportster 5 preset PROBLEM

    I am having problems with my sporster 5 radio it will automaticaly switch to preset zero, sometimes it doesn't do it for days sometimes it does it every 2 min. and for a while whatever station it was on would set itself to preset zero and beep every 30 seconds or so like it was programing to the preset again and i could not change the station. I have it taken apart it looks like the switch that is soldered on at this point on the board is on soldered on half the pad. have you ever heard of this before? or know how to fix it? i was going to remelt the solder but it looks like it is a coated board and i don't want to burn anything up.

  2. denb45 is offline
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    Joined: Mar 2009 Location: Albuquerque, NM Posts: 181
    04-30-2010, 11:06 AM #2
    If your Sportster 5 radio is still under the one yr. OEM warranty , you can get it replaced for FREE, as long as you still have the proof of purchase,but, since you've opened up that radio, you may have voided the warranty, I had the same problem w/ my MiRGE-radio, and then the back-light went out, I did open
    up the back to see if I could fix it, but, I ended-up sending it back to SIRIUS
    after I got the new replacement MiRGE, with SIRIUS, you have to request a replacement and they will charge your Credit Card, but, if you don't send back the broken-one with-in 30-days, that CC-charge will go thur, it won't if you send back the defective one, it's worth a try Here's the contact-info to get a replacement SIRIUS-radio, if your interested:

    SIRIUS XM REPLACEMENT RADIO : 1-866-257-7726 or 1-800-869-5364

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