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  1. d_a_v_e is offline
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    01-25-2010, 02:32 AM #1

    Question New Sirius Radios??? Is the Stilletto 2 as good as it gets?

    I've been a Sirius lifetime subscriber since 1/9/06. Unfortunately, that only allows me to change radios a limited number of times. I still have the original Starmate and am REALLY in need of an upgrade. I know that the Stilletto 2 is/was the pinnacle of Sirius recievers, but is there anything coming out anytime in the near future that competes with it's features as I would like to make my purchase at least somewhat futureproof? I'm hoping that the technology has improved some since the Stilletto 2 was initially introduced in 2007!

  2. SiriusBuzz is offline
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    01-25-2010, 10:53 PM #2
    If there is a new sexy device coming out, Sirius XM hasn't told us about it.
    Charles LaRocca
    SiriusBuzz Founder

  3. justaskin is offline
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    02-02-2010, 12:25 PM #3

    I asked the same thing a few months ago

    Based on what I saw at CES this year, the stilleto was not even on display.
    is it dead? The launched the XMP3i. Looks like they are focusing less on Sirius products and promoting XM products. maybe they want people to switch and get the "best of" package?

  4. moonbase is offline
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    02-25-2010, 08:13 PM #4

    wrong about stiletto 2

    It is out and selling my husband has one and is very happy with it.