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  1. Los Tiburones is offline
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    01-05-2010, 09:47 AM #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Dave View Post
    Do you have to call in the market order? I have this one at scottrade (SPNG).

    I think I'd have to call in - without a bid or ask, there is no market.. lol.

    I'll call manana
    Hi Dr.D - Have Etrade and found out on a test. After trying every available combination of limit sells and watching the .05's fill ahead of my .045's - Thought I would give it a shot figuring I would get some kind of rejection when I hit the submit button for the market order ... It filled in about 3 seconds.

    Not sue about Scottrade, may be that you have to call it in.

  2. Los Tiburones is offline
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    01-05-2010, 10:10 AM #22
    Quote Originally Posted by billhart22 View Post
    It sounds like a winner to me, Bass! You are a great man!

    I feel like finally dusting the shelf off and getting back to work with stocks. I have spent too much time and money on education in the stock market to be goofing around. You always inspire me. Thanks!
    Bring it on Bill!

    Education is what I am after this year ... Something I need to add to all this rambling of late ... The ethics of it all. I am all for picking the pockets of those 'bastards' but part of my dilemma is ... Isn't that us? Aren't we in effect picking each others pockets in some sense ... Before that whole analogy breaks down ...

    What I am getting at is playing these things to flip a few bucks or more knowing what they are, if we truly know. If I knew I was robbing from either manipulating MM's or dedicated pumpers I might feel justified in that Robin Hoodesque kind of way - But when it comes from the unsuspecting, the newbies and naive like myself ... I guess what I am trying to say is, redundantly, I need to do a better job of research before hand and if I find that I am caught up in yet another scam, I am bailing out. Even the great "Q" after all this time, effort and money, if it turns out to be a setup it's more than capitol preservation ... It could run to a dollar for all I care ...

    Man it's far too early for all this ... preaching ...

  3. bassmaster is offline
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    01-05-2010, 12:18 PM #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Los Tiburones View Post
    Bring it on Bill!

    Education is what I am after this year ... Something I need to add to all this rambling of late ... The ethics of it all. I am all for picking the pockets of those 'bastards' but part of my dilemma is ... Isn't that us? Aren't we in effect picking each others pockets in some sense ... Before that whole analogy breaks down ...

    What I am getting at is playing these things to flip a few bucks or more knowing what they are, if we truly know. If I knew I was robbing from either manipulating MM's or dedicated pumpers I might feel justified in that Robin Hoodesque kind of way - But when it comes from the unsuspecting, the newbies and naive like myself ... I guess what I am trying to say is, redundantly, I need to do a better job of research before hand and if I find that I am caught up in yet another scam, I am bailing out. Even the great "Q" after all this time, effort and money, if it turns out to be a setup it's more than capitol preservation ... It could run to a dollar for all I care ...

    Man it's far too early for all this ... preaching ...
    yes , in effect we are picking each others pockets. its very rare we hurt the MM's. somebody will take a loss. we need buyers willing to pay more than we did in order to execute a successful trade. the thing is you need to find stocks that are undervalued , buy them, and when they become fair value or overvalued you need to sell. somebody has to be willing to overpay for something. it's the game we're playing. it's part of the risk involved. there is absolutely nothing wrong with you having a moral dilemna, maybe trading is not for you. i play poker for a living, if i start feeling like im doing something wrong by winning then im gonna see my ROI go down the drain. just remember, trading the stock market is just like playing a game. everybody knows the rules and risks involved. you need to use rationality and avoid emotions. if that is impossible then just avoid trading because the ones that get hurt will be you and your family..

    p.s. whats the difference between making a few dollars short term or making alot of dollars long term? someone is still paying more than you did for your shares.

  4. bassmaster is offline
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    01-05-2010, 12:23 PM #24
    siri up today.
    imax back up again.

  5. willb2064 is offline
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    01-05-2010, 01:54 PM #25
    Fantastic start to 2010 so far, almost all my holdings up big. SIRI, NEP, CHOP, YONG, SYNM. PUDA and BEST are the only ones not killing it this week. China small-caps are on a roll.

  6. bassmaster is offline
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    01-05-2010, 02:34 PM #26
    closed my position on IMAX call options ... has lot of momentum , i could have waited another day. but fck that.. booked my first trade and profit of the new year. bought at 1.35 sold today @ 2.10..

  7. Dr. Dave is offline
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    01-05-2010, 02:54 PM #27
    Nice job Bass - With those calls, waiting another day isn't the right choice in my opinion. Today is a strong up day for IMAX, and that's where you want to cash out. If the stock were to keep going up from here, but slowly, the price of the calls may not change or even decrease. Great trade!

  8. bassmaster is offline
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    01-05-2010, 02:55 PM #28
    Quote Originally Posted by willb2064 View Post
    Fantastic start to 2010 so far, almost all my holdings up big. SIRI, NEP, CHOP, YONG, SYNM. PUDA and BEST are the only ones not killing it this week. China small-caps are on a roll.
    nice... keep it up...throw some tickers out here when you find something.

  9. bassmaster is offline
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    01-05-2010, 02:56 PM #29
    thanx dave...definitely feels good to be right about this one.

  10. bassmaster is offline
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    01-05-2010, 02:58 PM #30
    im scanning for my next play. will post if find something.

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