ok - let's calculate what 1 of our refridgerators are worth....
Here's the price for setup, and subscriptions - cbai is the parent company of the first one listed...
Being that the process at least to me is pretty simple - you get some sample, put it in a tube, add a pennies worth of glycerol, screw on cap, shove it into a liquid nitrogen container, ship by fedex/courier, receive sample, barcode it, stick it in a tank. I can't see how they don't pocket at least $500 from each "Collection Kit & Processing" fee.
So if we were to use one of our refridgerators (I'm sure they are storing in a N2 tank, but lets just see how it adds up... for 1 fridge worth of volume...
Here's what a box that we use looks like...
each is a grid of 9 x 9
our fridge has racks for these, each rack holds 16 boxes
each shelf holds 6 racks
each fridge has 5 shelves
so if you look at your fridge, multiply whatever you think they keep from that setup fee by this number:
9 x 9 x 16 x 6 x 5 = 38880 --> to make it easy lets just say a fridge can hold 40000 tubes
Lets say they just keep $250 of that $1650 set up fee, $150 enrollment fee, and $125 yearly storage fee
So each set of tubes that takes up about the space of a standard fridge is worth $1M, just using a conservative figure of $250 per sample. I'm sure that their new building can hold more than 10 refridgerator's worth of samples.
Look at the ticker PSA - public storage - here a 10 x 10' room rents for about $250 a month... it's market cap is $14B. Sure, it doesn't use liquid nitrogen for cooling, but many have air conditioners.
Just need to convince the mom's that it's worth while. I think it's cheaper than having a second kid so your kid can have a donor. Moreover, a second kid's DNA is a recombinogenic mess compared to what you get from a stem cell... a stem cell has basically 99.99% fidelity.
I"m sure after 10 years, they'll even start charging an upkeep, where they remove some cells, culture them to make sure they are ok, and refreeze... that's more involved than the above process, so I'm sure it'll have a $5K price tag.
I think the only bottleneck is the moms.
Anyway - would I buy the stock today, hell no, not after that run up... but if it smooths out, and has another up volume day, I'd go for it.
Remember, a stock is worth the current bid... who cares what someone on the hub has to say about it. Price is the ultimate indicator.
Here's what I said about resistance, I wasn't looking at level II or anything... never do...
Here's why today is not the day to buy, or at least without some real tight stops, previously, it has run hard in weeks, can see it on the weekly, but I wouldn't encourage anyone to buy tomorrow, you want a full blown consolidation first...