Oh yeah - you bought options - different story...
what price did you pay? you buy them today?
In your case, you need to sell into strength... im no longer a fan of holding those more then a couple of days... today's run was so strong, the premium is a little jacked up, so even if it goes a little higher tomorrow, the price may not move much, so if it starts cranking up tomorrow, just get out I say... just leave with a profit... i'd only stay in with a close HOD, unless its a hammer, then sell
actually closed at 1.75 and yes bought this morning as soon as new high was hit....i t was trading i think around 3.05 down to like 2.90 then back to 3.05 then just jumped to like 3.22 instantly. thats when i pulled the trigger
Last edited by bassmaster; 12-31-2009 at 01:35 AM. Reason: sp error. high*
dr dave, i am an idiot....i bought the option at 1.35 and the option price closed today at 1.75....no i did not sell. i liked todays candle too much.
when i wrote it was trading at 3.05 , i meant the stock was trading at 13.05 down to 12.90 then back to 13.05 then jumped to like 13.22 instantly and thats when i pulled the trigger on buying the options. its those dammm pennys , im not used to following high priced stocks.LMAO.... im taking a chance and looking to dump them sometime tomorrow because todays candle looked like we should have some upside tomorrow. I APOLOGIZE FOR THE CONFUSION. i feel like such a dweeb. especially since you thought i sold them today...LOL....
Last edited by bassmaster; 12-31-2009 at 03:06 AM.
i need to practice on my grammar as well as my trading skills, lol
im looking back at what i wrote, and im like WTF DID I SAY THERE?